Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2003
101 Things...


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Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005

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Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2005

it's surreal -
Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2005

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somebody out there loves me

�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
OK, I finally did it...


1. Coke, not Pepsi...and actually, these days I prefer Sprite cuz I'm on this whole "no caffeine" kick.

2. Eye Color: Green

3. Hair Color: Red (OK, it�s naturally mostly gray nowadays)

4. Zodiac Sign: Libra

5. I�m right-handed.

6. Italian Sausage and Green Bell Peppers is my favorite pizza topping combination, although I�m also partial to Canadian Bacon and Pineapple.

7. I hate Pepperoni.

8. I�ve been in love only once in my life, possibly twice. I now vote for once, but had you asked me at nineteen, I would have said I was in love then, too.

9. The man I loved at age nineteen broke my heart.

10. I tend to attract alcoholics. This includes the guy who broke my heart at age nineteen.

11. I never took a typing class nor do I type correctly and yet I type faster than most people I know. Of course, I make numerous errors, but that�s what Spell Check is for.

12. I love thunder and lightning storms, but do not get to experience them very often.

13. I�ve never been married and honestly don�t care if I never am.

14. I would love to have been a College Professor.

15. Instead, I�m a Credit Manager.

16. My sister Barbara is my best friend.

17. Throughout my life, I have generally had more male friends than female ones.

18. I have three piercings in my left ear and one in my right. I put the spare two in my left ear by myself twenty years ago. The extra piercings hurt and doing them made me nauseous.

19. When I was nineteen-twenty I seriously considered getting a tattoo, but assumed I wouldn�t want the thing when I was sixty and saggy. Now, at 36, I�m glad I don�t have one only because everybody has one.

20. I hate to be trendy.

21. I tend to act like a child at places like the Long Beach Aquarium and Disneyland...and, well, pert-near everywhere.

22. I love to travel.

23. I am enamored with History, especially U.S. History and most especially Native American History.

24. I plan to write a screenplay about the Cheyenne people in the Cheyenne language. There will be no Caucasian characters.

25. The only time my name was in the newspaper, it was misspelled.

26. I seem to love impersonating Sean Connery-as-007, but am terrible at it.

27. I was born in Wisconsin, but usually say I�m from Kentucky. This is because I have absolutely no recollection of Wisconsin, having moved away before the age of two. However, both of my parents were born and raised in Ky. Numerous members of my family still live there. I do have memories of Ky. I guess I just feel more like a Kentuckian. Well, plus, I�m just a goof-ball.

28. I am the youngest of six kids.

29. My parents have been married for over fifty years.

30. Among the blood cells coursing through my veins are French, English, Irish, Welsh, German, Native American (Cheyenne and Arapaho) and probably some others. In other words, I�m a mutt.

31. Even my European ancestors landed in America back in the Puritan/Pilgrim days.

32. Two of my ancestors (mother and child) were abducted by a Native American tribe and had to be bought back.

33. I have fallen on a dance floor while drunk exactly twice.

34. When I am pissed and you ask me why, you will never, ever hear me utter the phrase: "Well, if you don�t know, I�m certainly not going to tell you." Oh, I�ll tell ya, baby. I�ll tell ya.

35. My alcoholic drink of choice is vodka, on the rocks. With a straw.

36. I watch entirely too much television.

37. I have met and conversed with Gregory Peck...OK, he wasn�t THE Gregory Peck, but this bank I used to work for had a customer named Gregory Peck and I met and conversed with him. Several times. I also met Paul Newman there.

38. I met three members of U2 backstage on their Joshua Tree tour � and yes, this time they were real dudes.

39. The one I didn�t meet is Larry Mullen Jr. Dammit. We were supposed to be married by now.

40. I bake a seriously mean cherry pie.

41. I�ve never had an STD. Thank you, Jesus!

42. When I was in the third grade, I showed two male classmates my boobies.

43. I kissed my first boy when I was...eleven? Well, I also don�t remember the boy�s name; only that he was shorter than I and seriously could not kiss to save his life. Seriously.

44. I lost my virginity at nineteen, which I think is a respectable age for such an activity. I do remember his name, but he seriously could not screw to save his life. SERIOUSLY. And he wasn�t twelve, like the boy referred to in number 43, so he had no excuse. He was actually seven years older than I, as I recall.

45. I�ve lost count of the number of sexual partners I�ve had, but if I only count the ones whose names I remember, I can count them all on one hand.

46. When I watch basketball games on the big-screen t.v. I often find myself up close to the screen, trying to see up the player�s shorts.

47. I have never voted Republican.

48. When I was sixteen, I was totally hot for Emilio Estevez.

49. I am annoyingly gullible, but not when at work.

50. I am rather anal-retentive, but only at work.

51. My 72 year-old father recently confessed that he smoked marijuana once, while on a fishing trip. He said it did nothing for him. I told him he smoked some bad stuff and needs to try again; and that he probably shouldn�t do it while fishing because that alone is enough to put him to sleep.

52. I don�t believe in hell. Well, maybe I believe in it, but I also believe it�s pert-near empty.

53. But, just in case there is one, I try to be a good person.

54. I tend to pee in the shower as often as not.

55. I never met any of my grandparents. They all died before I was born.

56. My sister thinks I am my maternal grandmother, reincarnated.

57. I don�t agree with her.

58. I have lived in a haunted house and now live in a haunted apartment building.

59. I really don�t care if other people don�t believe that my apartment is haunted. I think they�re just pompous and think they know everything about everything, when obviously they do not.

60. I�m afraid of Quija Boards and so have never used one.

61. Sleeping is one of my favorite activities.

62. So is hiking.

63. I sleep in the nude, I�ve always slept in the nude and I probably always will.

64. This is just one of the reasons I don�t have any children � it�s difficult to sleep in the nude with little people running around your house.

65. I enjoy really hot showers...really hot.

66. I�ve never had sexual intercourse while standing. I think it�s because I�m rather short and my dudes are generally rather tall.

67. I stand 5�2" tall when barefoot.

68. I was in therapy for about six months when I was approximately seventeen. That�s how long it took me to get really sick of talking about myself for an hour every week.

69. Fifteen years ago, I sold part of my record collection and made $400.

70. I still have over 300 records. And yes, we�re talking vinyl here, people.

71. At the present time, I have no turntable on which to play my records.

72. Yes, I also have hundreds of CDs.

73. Lately, I�ve become obsessed with Scientology and just why anyone would be so stupid as to buy in to it. Literally � you have to BUY your way in to it. With one hell of a lot of money.

74. I subscribe to three magazines: Outside, Newsweek and The Santa Fean.

75. Santa Fe, NM is my favorite place on earth.

76. In college, I started out as a Music Major. After about a year, I switched to Psychology. I finally ended up an English Major.

77. Apparently, I lack focus.

78. Also, I apparently have many interests.

79. I'm also rather undisciplined.

80. I cry at the drop of a hat.

81. Luckily, I laugh just as easily.

82. I have some mighty deep cleavage.

83. I know how to work the cleavage, when necessary.

84. My most attractive physical attribute is/are my eyes. You�d think so too, if you could look up from my cleavage for three seconds.

85. My most unattractive attribute is my hair...well, and my short legs.

86. "Attractive" is all relative anyway, though, right?

87. Non-physical attributes of mine about which I am most proud are my sense of humor and my capacity for caring about others.

88. The non-physical characteristic I am least proud of is my quick temper.

89. I was once told I have a "sista-booty".

90. In a dance contest, I once won tickets to see Elvis Costello.

91. Also in a dance contest, I once won tickets to see Ziggy Marley.

92. I am a notorious potty-mouth.

93. I have needed new bath towels for like two years and just can�t bring myself to spend that kind of money on stinkin� bath towels.

94. Bath towels have been on my Christmas list three years in a row and evidently nobody in my family can bring themselves to spend that kind of money on stinkin� bath towels, either.

95. Evidently, when it comes to bath towels, I have "champagne taste on a beer budget".

96. I am really good at teaching babies to stick out their tongues.

97. I do not know the words to any lullabies, so I have a tendency to sing Bruce Springsteen songs to babies when I baby-sit.

98. I once saw Larry King while having brunch at the Hotel Del Coronado.

99. Larry King is the ugliest man I�ve ever seen in person. Seriously. He's way uglier in person than he is on t.v. even.

100. I am addicted to Trading Spaces.

101. I was repeatedly molested by my brother in-law as a child and raped by a relative-stranger in my twenties. Although I still struggle every day to be the kind of person I want to be some day, I am very proud of who I�ve become since and in spite of these facts.

< ? 100 Things # >

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't know why you'd wanna, but on the off-chance you may feel tempted to steal any of my words and claim them as your own, please be advised: All material
Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

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