Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2003
more eavesdropping, this time with footnotes!


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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
-----Original Message-----

From: Barbara�

Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 9:48 AM

To: Karen

Subject: (no subject)


Joe(1) has emailed us that there is a possible "biotoxin" found at Tacoma post office. I guess it's already on CNN. I sure hope it turns out to be nothing. Pretty scary!

I called Mom last night and told her, but I wanted you to know also. In Westways this week (page 103) there is an add for Cambria. 50% off rooms until 6-30. Sunday- Thursday so I guess it wouldn't work for you. Dad was going to call them. I just really wish you would go there so we could talk about it. Oh well, someday, I'd like to take you there. It's just killing me to miss all these great deals!!!!!!!!!! I told Arnett that Alaska better be good cuz we're missing out on alot of good stuff. Ha!

How are you today? I'm feeling better (my back) and it's already Tuesday so that helps. I can not believe how fast the weeks go!

Talk to you later.

-----Original Message-----

From: Karen�

Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10:40 AM

To: Barbara

Subject: (no subject)

That�s funny � I was thinking, �Man, its ONLY Tuesday?�

They�ve already figured out that the supposed �biotoxin� is nothing of the sort, so no worries. Somebody�s prank, I guess. And yes, it was of course all over the news this morning.

Glad your back is getting better(2)! I am fine, just cold. It�s so lovely out, but that wind is simply frigid.

I haven�t slept much at all the past two nights, so I am extremely tired. I was up watching an Oprah repeat in the wee hours of the morning and Mariah Carey was her guest. This should give you an indication as to how desperate I became somewhere along the line last night. I look like a hell(3) today, too.

I ate leftover ham last night. YUMMY! I think mine will be gone after tonight, though. It would not surprise me a bit if, over this past weekend, I gained back all 7 lbs.(4) I had lost. Not only did I eat that much on Sunday, but as you know John and I went out to breakfast on Saturday; then I also had half a hot dog that day and then I made dinner(5) . Dinner wasn�t all that fattening, but still�

Have you used your bath pillow, yet(6)? I took a bath after I got home from Mom�s on Sunday, before John came home. I like my bath tub. Not that it�s ultra-huge, but it�s the biggest tub I�ve ever had in my own home. It�s deep, too. Plus, it doesn�t have any pesky little holes that drain out the water just as it starts getting deep enough.

I think new neighbors have already moved in downstairs, but of course now the place across the hall is vacant(7). We�ve had a lot of turn-over since I moved in there, between the back apartments and now these instances. That guy across the hall only lived there for maybe a year. After the Crazy Lesbian(8) moved from the one-bedroom behind me, there were a couple of dudes living there for maybe six months, but that would be stretching it. The new guy has been back there for only a few months. I think I�ve seen him once and frankly I�m not even sure it was him.

I�m actually thinking of moving sooner that I had originally planned, too. I�ll still be here for at least another year, I just may not wait two more years as I had planned. I don�t know, I�m torn. I love the place, but I just feel sick every time I pay my rent and know I could be saving at least like $600 of that money and still live in a decent place. Hell, even $300 would be good at this point.

On the flip side, I am also thinking seriously about buying that sofa(9) I was telling you about�even though John laughed at it! I don�t think he liked the floral cushions or he thought a sofa should be all one way or the other � you know, either completely solid or completely floral. Anyway, I�m thinking about it because so long as it�s still there I could buy it next month. It�s very comfy, too. It�s a snuggle-up-with-a-good-book-or-in-my-case-to-watch-stupid-reality-tv-sofa. It�s not as shallow as my legs would like, meaning my thighs are too short for it so when I sit down I kind of look like that little Lily Tomlin character in that huge chair�But, you know � I kind of look like that in most sofas. I dunno for sure, but I�m thinking about it because its pros far outweighed its cons(10). Of course if I buy it I�m definitely going to want to buy one of those vintage lamps�

I wish you would go to Vegas with us. I have a hankerin� to go see that ghost town that�s close to Vegas and Lord knows I won�t get the chance to go with the kids. Of course, knowing me I won�t be able to break myself away from the Black Jack tables anyway�but, you know, if you were there expecting me to go, I would�

I want to go to Cambria too, but there is no way I�ll be going any time soon unless it�s on a weekend or without John. And since you won�t be going with me any time soon, I doubt I�ll be going at all. Well, unless I can actually meet my Sugar Daddy soon, as I have planned(11). I wish Amy would graduate already and get a decent, well-paying job with paid vacation so she could start going places with me!

Uh�gee, guess I�d better get back to work.



I'll be using my bath pillow tonight, thanks.

All I can say about your saving on rent is, well, yeah.

Call ya later.


I forgot to tell you�when John laughed at my sofa, I said, �Oh yeah � we�ll trust your sense of style over mine.� Of course, this was also after he looked at me funny when I told him that my second chair doesn�t have the exact same material as the one that is finished.

So this is the time when Barbi got tired of e-mailing me and called instead. Abbreviated transcript follows (I�ll leave out the �hi, whatcha doin�?� stuff).

So didja watch American Idol last night?

Uh�hello � basketball playoffs. Besides, Monday is Dinner For Five night.

I watched basketball, too, but I saw some of AI. I don�t know that Ruben is going to win anymore. That Clay is just so good and he�s such a sweetie. Plus, Ruben is limited.

I kind of like that Kimberly Locke now, too. I�m rooting for her now. But yeah � I didn�t know Clay did all that stuff for kids and whatnot. Hard to root against a guy who works with special needs kids. Plus, he�s a good singer�

He didn�t act like such a dork last night, either. Maybe he listened to Simon.

Well, I dunno. You gotta wonder about a kid who sits on the stage and sings Somewhere Out There. Very. Earnestly.

Yeah, I know, but so what if he�s gay?

Hey � wait. I thought you didn�t watch it.

Oh yeah�well, I saw a few minutes, during commercial breaks while I was flipping around.

And Josh still sucks.

I didn�t see him, what did he sing?

I only saw like 20 seconds because I would have lost my ham if I�d listened to any more. But it was that country song *sings* "I wanna spend the rest of my life, with you by my side�� AAUUGGHH!!!!

I�m sure he�ll be the next to go�or Carmen.

Well, if there is a God.

So what about Smithereens-Mike?

Uh�she asks, out of bloody nowhere.

Well, so did you talk to him? Whatever happened with all of that?

He and Mike played in Long Beach last night, but I didn�t go. I was working on one hour of sleep and hoped (in vain, as it turns out) to catch up on my missed sleep by turning in early.

Hey, John and I are going to rent a Harley one day while we�re in Mendocino.

uh�she says, out of bloody nowhere.

I know, but I was meaning to tell you and I just remembered.

I dunno � there�s not a lot to tell. I am not going to go after him, especially since I don�t even know what I want from him. And it doesn�t seem he�s much on coming after me, sooo� We�ve exchanged e-mails and you know he left me that message when we were out to dinner, but we�ve not actually talked in a while. He�s a nice guy and I think there�s a possibility of my liking him more than I do now, but I really don�t know at this point. If he�s interested, he needs to come after me. Otherwise, I am content to just see him every once in a while and flirt and play with his affections.

Yeah, guys really need to get a clue.

Totally. You can just tell he�s not used to�playing the woo. Which is good, in a sense, but not so good when you�re on the receiving end of the nonexistent woo, trying to figure out if he actually likes you or just likes looking at your cleavage when you come to see his band play.

I hate to say it, too, but it�s kind of like�I feel like because he�s so shy and, you know he�s older than your average single guy hanging out in rock clubs�he doesn�t think he has a lot of options women-wise; therefore�you know, I�m around �I conveniently live in Long Beach�

Yeah, of course that�s the only reason he�s interested in you. What kind of fucked up shit is that?

*giggles* You said �fuck�

I know, but I felt it was merited(13).

I know, I know�and I doubt that�s really the case�but I don�t think he like dates much, ya know?

It�s just a weird time for me right now. A lot of my hesitation with him I know comes from exactly the opposite of what I just said. I think he�ll fall all in love and get all googlie and I just can�t handle that right now.

See, so it�s easier for me to say negative things about me rather than the truth which is that I think I�m such a wonderful human being and quite a babe and every man falls madly in love at my feet.

yeah, those googlie-guys can be a handful.



Word, homie.


1) Joe is Arnett�s oldest son. He lives in Washington and works for a political figure up there.

2) Her back has been fucked up for over a week now. She has a doctor appt. Set up for Friday, in case it�s not better by then.

3) You�ll have to excuse my grammar. Barbi and I speak very strangely to each other sometimes.

4) Oh yeah�I had lost 7 pounds as of last Thursday.

5) Is it me or is that one hell of a lot of food to eat in one day?

6) I bought a bath pillow a few weeks ago and love it so much I bought one for her.

7) Oh yea�the guy across the hall moved out over the weekend. Didn�t see that one coming.

8) Have I told ya�ll about the Crazy Lesbian? Of course, the fact that she was a Lesbian has no bearing on the fact that she was a complete wackadoo; it is simply a point of reference.

9) I found the perfect sofa in a little and very cool furniture store over the weekend. I never should have gone in to that store. I�ve known all along it would be trouble � you can tell by the store-front and what they have in the windows. They have all of this cool vintage stuff, along with new stuff that is just made to look vintage�argh�

10) So in my pad I have green carpeting. Yes, I hate it too. Especially because it covers hardwood floors, which I would absolutely love (and which the apartment downstairs still has, but lets not even go there right now). But sadly, the rugs I want to buy to cover up the green carpet are just so much money that I have yet to purchase them. (Have I told you I pay cash for everything? While wise, this makes big purchases difficult. I can�t just put it on plastic; I have to wait until I actually save up all of the money. It sucks. And frankly, I think it�s un-American.) So of the two chairs Linda has been reupholstering for me (well, one is done; she�s been working on the other one for over a year now. Supposedly, its darn near finished); one is a solid burgundy-wine color with a pattern in the fabric and one is a cream color with that burgundy-wine as a pin-stripe, along with thinner green pin-stripes. They are groovy chairs. The sofa is a light green, with three pillows along the back that have a cream face, with a burgundy-floral pattern! It looks like it was built in the sixties, but is actually new. It�s perfect in every way! Oh and the store also had all of these really cool vintage lamps that I totally fell in love with. I am DEFINITELY buying a couple/few of those.

11) That�s the new plan � to get me a Sugar Daddy. Amy and I have already been scouting out new places to hang out in order to meet men with money. I also have planned the many ways in which I will be spending said Sugar Daddy�s doh, which includes buying new houses for my family-members.

12) See? I don�t just use a lot of italics when I write�I speak in italics.

13) I don�t think these were her exact words, but it sounds good.

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't know why you'd wanna, but on the off-chance you may feel tempted to steal any of my words and claim them as your own, please be advised: All material
Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

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