Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2003
not-hot-enough 100


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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
-----Original Message-----

From: Barbara

Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 8:14 AM

To: Karen

Subject: Re: Movies

(edited to delete references to movies on VHS which are not in the least entertaining and won�t make any sense anyway)

So, who's gonna go, Carmen or Josh? Too bad we couldn't boot them both off.

Talk to you later,


ps don't worry about our Lakers, they'll be fine.

From: Karen

Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 10:40 AM

To: Barbara

Subject: Re: Movies


Again I couldn�t sleep last night. So I came in late this morning � I just got here like half an hour ago. I worked 9 � hours yesterday so when I couldn�t get out of bed this morning, I decided not to kill myself in an effort to do so.

Do I sound like I�m justifying myself?

(edited to delete references to movies on VHS which are not in the least entertaining and won�t make any sense anyway)

OK, Gilmore Girls was on so the only one I saw sing her complete song was Kimberly, who I thought was great. I saw only a bit of Josh and MAN did he BLOW!!!! I actually could have seen more of his performance, but it was so bad that I actually preferred to watch commercials! Thank God finally two of the judges said something about the fact that he is so often off key! How does someone who sings off-key throughout most of his songs get to be in the final six, I ask you? Anyway, I don�t know what Paula Abdul smokes before she goes on this show, but I wish she�d share because it obviously makes her very happy and she can see nothing wrong in anybody. That�s the only excuse I can think up on her behalf after hearing her say she couldn�t hear him sing off-key. What are you deeeef, woman?

As a side note�if this was the song he used to win his wife�s heart in high school�well, they must have gone to a mostly-girl�s school, that�s all I�m saying.

I didn�t hear Carmen at all, I only saw her little interview snippet where she was saying she thought she could win, no matter what Simon says. Yeah, so evidently Paula is sharing whatever she�s smoking with Carmen.

One thing�I didn�t hear Clay at all, but why was everyone so pissed at what Simon was saying (which I did hear)? Wasn�t he just saying the kid�s voice is really more of a musical theater one than a pop music one or was there more to it than that? Because I happen to agree with Simon, if that�s what he was saying, and I don�t think that�s really a bad thing.

I heard only a couple of lines from Ruben, but was he not very good last night?

So I still hope that Josh is next to leave, but that may just be because I rarely actually catch any of Carmen�s performances and so I don�t hate her so much.

I ain�t worried about the Lakers. Plus, I didn�t even want them to sweep because I like Kevin Garnet, too. But�you know�it would be nice if they didn�t let themselves get creamed. At least they made a good show of almost coming back for like a minute in the fourth quarter. If I were on the T�Wolves and that happened I would have been crapping my pants because you know there are times when they�ve come back from almost that much of a deficit to win the game.

OK, I gotta get to work. Hasta!


The second hole in my left ear appears to be infected.

Actually, what happened was that I put an earring in it three days ago. �But,� you may be asking, �Isn�t that what one is supposed to do with earring holes?� Well yes, but it would appear that I let a little bit too much time pass in between earring-wearings. Therefore, when I put in my earring, it was as if I had punctured a brand new hole there. So it�s been hurting and oozing stuff for the past few days. I�ve kept an earring in it and keep cleaning it out with alcohol. Yeah. Good times.

OK, so the thing is that I often have no rings in those second and third holes I have in my left ear. Please � I can rarely be bothered to wear makeup to work, you think I�m going to spend a lot of time coordinating earrings in the morning?

The odd thing is that the third hole is used even less often and it never plugs up or grows over or whatever. But this has happened with the second hole a few times. Odd.


The gal who was going to go out on Disability (Phyllis) came back to work today, so that ended up being no big deal. She was only off for a week and a half. Thank God. She has high blood pressure though, and has been suffering through some of the repercussions of that. Right now she may be OK, but I have a sinking feeling about this. She�s a great employee, too, so I hope all works out because we�d hate to not have her around.

Arnett has had high blood pressure for years and it has totally wrecked him. His kidneys only operate at 15-20%; he has thyroid problems; lately he�s been on steroids and so he�s all puffed up and keeps gaining weight no matter what he does. It�s horrible. I hope Phyllis doesn�t get that bad.


I straightened my hair today�well, in truth I straightened it last night, after I showered. All week, I kept planning to get up earlier than usual and straighten my hair before work. No real reason, except that I haven�t done it in a while and since I just got my hair done last week it�s all nice and red with no scary gray poking through (one good thing about having curly hair is that it�s harder to tell when the gray starts growing out). Well, since I haven�t been sleeping, getting up early really has not been a realistic option for me. So last night, post work-out, I blew the hair dry and broke out the flat iron.

Now if I can just take care of the bags under my eyes the night before�

I don�t know what it is with me and sleep. If I have anything on my mind, it is terribly difficult for me to get any sleep. And, well, there have been a lot of things on my mind lately. Not that I�m thinking of anything extraordinary or dissimilar to things everybody else thinks about � I�m just one of those people who can�t sleep when I am stressed. Anyway, it�s getting very old and I think my boss is getting a tad tired of it, as well�


OK, I hate to be dissing my fellow-D-landers, but�what would posses someone to click on a banner that says �Butterfly Kisses and Angelic Dreams��? Obviously, a lot of people are clicking, since this diary is #1 on the �Hot-100� list, but crimony�

And yeah, you�re probably right and I�m just jealous because I�m like #87.


And finally...this headline from CNN.com:

"U.S. Comes Up Empty in Iraq Weapons Hunt
WASHINGTON (AP) - American forces are changing their search strategy after coming up empty at most of the top suspected weapons sites in Iraq, officials said Wednesday."

Welllll...e-yeah. Isn't that why we changed the motive for this war at mid-point and decided it was all about liberating the Iraqis now? Keep up with the class there, CNN.

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

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