Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003
it's in the stars


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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
First of all, go discover this diary.


From: Matt Howes, National Internet Organizer, ACLU
To: ACLU Action Network Members
Date: September 23, 2003

We are asking that you take two related actions this week: one urging the Senate to fix the PATRIOT Act and another asking Congress as a whole to oppose the expansion of unnecessary surveillance and other police powers that threaten civil liberties. These actions are necessary because of an unusual split in Washington -- many in Congress are working to fix the more dangerous portions of the PATRIOT Act while President Bush, Attorney General Ashcroft and their allies continue to push for new and expanded law enforcement powers.

1) Earlier this month, the House voted overwhelmingly during consideration of an appropriations bill to bar the Justice Department from using the �sneak and peek� warrants authorized in the PATRIOT Act. Despite the 309 to 118 vote in the House against the use of these black bag searches, the Senate has yet to act.

The Senate is now poised to consider its version of the Justice Department appropriations measure and needs your support to adopt fixes like those adopted by the House.

Take Action! Urge your Senators to fix the problems with the PATRIOT Act, not give the government even more invasive and intrusive police powers.

Click here for more information and to send a free fax to your Senators.

2) Oppose New Surveillance Powers

Senator Hatch and other allies of Attorney General Ashcroft are expected shortly to introduce the so-called �Victory Act�, a measure that would make some drug offenses a terrorist crime and allow the government new latitude in questioning people and demanding personal documents without court oversight.

This new legislation contains many provisions that were part of the leaked PATRIOT Act II and that were rejected from the original PATRIOT Act drafts. This is clearly part of a larger Ashcroft campaign to promote greater surveillance powers and remove judicial review.

Take Action! Your elected representatives in Congress need to hear that you support proper checks and balances, not unlimited government surveillance.

Click herefor more information and to send a free fax to your Members of Congress.

For more information on other issues and the latest news, please visit our website.

Help Strengthen the ACLU's Voice in Congress... Click here to become a card-carrying Member or donate today!

If you are not already on our mailing list and would like to subscribe to the ACLU Action Network Updates, click here.

To find out what more you can do to protect your civil liberties, please visit this page.


Referring back to my thoughts about Libras and in light of my upcoming BIRTHDAY (I am feigning excitement, in the hope that my acting will prove to be of the Method School and I�ll actually begin to believe I am happy about my birthday), following is a little tid-bit I received in my email yesterday.

Enjoy, babies. And learn about the ikss in the process. I'm certain you all wanted to know...

Astrology.com: Lovely Libra!

** Note from Your Astrologer

Happy fall to everybody, and happy birthday to all the diplomatic and charming Libras out there! This issue of Astrology.com's Monthly Highlights will discuss not only the character of Libra but also how the Libra influence affects us all. So, for you non-Libras, please read on and find out what's in the stars for you during the next month.

** All About Libra

Libras are renowned for their captivating charm and easy elegance, and it's no wonder: You're ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. You instinctively know which fork to use and how to smooth over a potentially embarrassing situation, and you enjoy entertaining your many friends in grand style. Because you're an air sign, you're a natural communicator; and since you rule over the seventh house, which is the house of partnerships, your love of close relationships defines you. As your symbol of the scales indicates, you strive for balance and harmony in all aspects of your life. Friends value your solid companionship and ability to delicately defuse disagreements.

While it's true that you're socially adept and a born diplomat, there's a lot more to your personality. Because your schedule is always full and you always appear so composed, no one would ever guess that down deep you fear being alone. And because you value peace at any price, you'll sometimes stifle your own feelings in order to attain it; then people can perceive you as passive or indecisive. In reality, you have clear opinions -- you just don't like to share them until you've weighed all the issues. You're willing to put yourself on the line for causes you care deeply about or when you perceive that you're being denied something you deserve. You resent unjust treatment and have no problem battling the inequities you encounter.

As polished, affectionate and cooperative as you are, you're not without your faults. You can be a tiny bit vain (Editor�s Note: Who, me???); try to relax and remember you're not always the focus of attention. Because you so desperately crave love, you can be too willing to overlook your partner's shortcomings. And because you try to please all the people all of the time, you're likely to be disappointed by the results. Still, you keep everyone's best interests at heart while also using your charm and persuasion to get what you really want -- a commendable feat.

** September 23 - October 22: The Sun's Time in Libra

When the Sun is in Libra, don't expect decisions to be finalized -- it's a time of deliberation, of hemming and hawing, of going over and over your options with a fine-toothed comb, weighing the pros and cons. The symbol of Libra is, of course, the scales. This celestial influence bestows upon us a natural diplomacy and a sense of fairness, and yet we're never quite sure if we're making the right choice.

We'll be in the research stage, so to speak, investigating the possibilities and potentialities. While you're puzzling over a conclusion, you'll also be very persuasively arguing the side you most support at that moment (though tomorrow you might see things differently). Libra is just as convincing as it is indecisive and tactful and cautious. With this inclination toward harmony, the Libra Sun also turns our thoughts to aesthetic beauty and the wonder of interpersonal relationships. This air sign desires companionship -- especially romantic love bonds! Anticipate charming suitors and appeasing partners. It's a good time for visiting museums or galleries, for making your relationships top priority -- and for romance in general.

Though the Sun's transit of Virgo is the biggest news in the sky, lots more is happening astrologically in the next month. Read on for specific information about the most important events!

September 25: New Moon in 2 degrees Libra

With the new Moon also occurring in Libra, our objectivity is tempered with amicability and conflict is at a minimum. New Moons signify beginnings and forward movement, and the new Libra Moon provides us with an opportunity to form new friendships and relationships. Round up friends and family, have everyone bring a new friend and see what kind of connections result!

This new Moon will especially influence those of you born under the cardinal signs, particularly Libras born between September 24-28, Capricorns born between December 23-27, Aries born between March 21-25 and Cancers born between June 22-26.

September 27: Mars Stationary Direct

The planet of passion has spent the last two months in retrograde, instigating some unfortunate passive aggression. You might feel exhausted from anger you've stifled, stress you've internalized and frustrating spats you've had with friends and lovers. Well, take a deep breath and then let out a big sigh of relief -- the pressure now lifts as Mars turns direct again. You'll no longer be thwarted as passion once again becomes your ally!

October 6: Mercury into Libra

Mercury, planet of communication, will be in the air sign of Libra until October 24. Libra is symbolized by the scales of justice, so your approach to deliberation in the next couple weeks will be something like that of a judge presiding over a big case. A strong sense of fairness and diplomacy will compel you to scrutinize each side of issues that you might normally decide based on intuition. It's a great time to make a decision you've been putting off -- you can objectively weigh your options, seeing the pros and cons clearly.

Libra's a peaceful celestial influence; with Mercury under it, you'll argue only for the sake of reaching a sustainable harmony. And the Scales require equilibrium above all else, so this usually means having an ally. You'll feel overlooked if you're the lone voice of fairness, so partner up with an intellectual equal -- someone who can support you and offer yet more balance.

October 9: Venus into Scorpio

For the past few weeks, love has been all hearts and flowers, but get ready for sweetness to be replaced with intense feelings and red-hot passion. On Thursday, October 9, the planet of love leaves lovely Libra for sexy Scorpio.

When Venus is in the Scorpion's realm, love is all-consuming. It's never lukewarm or indifferent -- if you're not crazy with desire, you might be seething with jealousy or filled with other forceful feelings. Emotions are heightened at this time, and we don't just think about our partners or crushes, we obsess! The sexual side of things is at the forefront as well; inhibitions can be overcome, and physical expressions of love now offer the possibility of transformation (Editor�s Note: Yeah, baby!) Because Scorpio is an emotional water sign, love also becomes a deep, spiritual experience. We want to look into our partner's souls, to understand their motivations and inner workings. This can be interpreted as overly possessive, so some storms may be on the romantic horizon. Show some trust and give some space; love can be experienced profoundly and still coexist with independence and individuality.

October 10: Full Moon in 16 degrees Aries/Libra

A full Moon in Aries/Libra is full of promise -- if its challenges are met thoughtfully. The fire sign of Aries brings increased activity and enthusiasm; your mind may be racing with ideas and possibilities today and tonight. Then Libra's contemplative, deliberate influence is in place as well. It can all seem a little contradictory, and you might feel like you're being pulled in two (or more) directions at once. Let these impulsive Aries urges be tempered by the equilibrium of Libra's scales; before you jump into that new project you're all excited about, take a few minutes to weigh the pros and cons. Once you stop to think, you might be surprised how quickly clarity comes, and you'll be able to fulfill your ambitious visions in ways that actually make sense.

Those of you born under the cardinal signs will be especially influenced by this full Moon. Take particular note if your birthday falls within the following ranges:
Libras born October 7-11, Capricorns born January 5-9, Aries born April 4-8 and Cancers born July 7-11.

October 22: Neptune Stationary Direct

Now that Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusion, is returning to its direct orbit, you can capitalize on the clarity you've gained. If you took advantage of Neptune's retrograde, you were able to break down internal walls and get more in touch with yourself and, in turn, with the world. For the past several months, Neptune swept some old fantasies and chimeras out of your mind, clearing a path for more worthwhile hopes and imaginings. Now you must construct new dream worlds, more efficient ways of wishing and a healthier balance of faith and skepticism.

Enjoy the Sun's transit of Libra!

Best Regards,
Your Astrologer


Word of the Day for Wednesday September 24, 2003:
deus ex machina DAY-uhs-eks-MAH-kuh-nuh; -nah; -MAK-uh-nuh, noun:
1. In ancient Greek and Roman drama, a god introduced by means of a crane to unravel and resolve the plot.
2. Any active agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble difficulty.


Quote A Day:
He who can reach a child's heart can reach the world's heart.
--Rudyard Kipling

Good News of the Day:
Most of the children arriving at Tim Baker's doorstep, in China, were abandoned because of physical problems. When Tim and his wife moved to China 15 years ago to teach English, they also volunteered at a local orphanage. But they wanted to "do more" and so now, Tim is helping build a "children's village" that takes in unwanted babies and gives them a chance at adoption.

Be The Change:
Sponsor a child here.


Quote A Day, Sept. 23, 2003:
A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
--Willy Wonka


P.S. It's not too late to tell me what you think of me!

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't know why you'd wanna, but on the off-chance you may feel tempted to steal any of my words and claim them as your own, please be advised: All material
Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

hosted by DiaryLand.com