Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Tuesday, Oct. 07, 2003
email eavesdrop for today


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-Lucille Ball

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--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


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- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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--Kashmiri, proverb
Entry #2 for today: An Email Eavesdrop

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbi
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 9:15 AM
To: karen
Subject: (no subject)

Good morning.

I'm really busy today cuz Robin's* here so I'll call you tomorrow. I just had a run in with Robin about that situation I told you about. Of course she denied saying what she said to Alisa. She's such a liar. She's basically mentally ill like her father. Anyway, I had to say something and I didn't raise my voice so I'm glad about that. She pisses me off so much, it's hard to stay in control. Alisa is pissed now, of course. She's waiting for Robin to say anything to her so she can jump on her. You know, as much as Alisa will jump on anybody! Ha!

Do you ever make green pepper steak? That's something you could do with your peppers and I'm sure you would like it. It's served over rice. I'll tell you how if you want to know.

We got an email from our friends in Alaska. Such nice people. They want us to come again. Yeah, maybe if we win the lottery.

Have a good day.

*Robin works in Barbara�s office a few times each month. They do not get along. Robin lies; she has had shady dealings with other dental offices she has worked for (she stole their patients when she got fired); she�s ultra-materialistic and looks down on those who don�t have much money; she�s the most self-centered person I have ever heard of...in essence, she is One Huge Bitch.

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 9:56 AM
To: Barbi
Subject: Re: (no subject)


Well, you know I want to go to Alaska some day (possibly for my 40th b-day) so who knows? Maybe you�ll have to go back, with me. :)

Sorry about your run-in with Robin. I wonder if she actually thinks she didn�t say that (cuz she�s a loon) or if she just lies all the time. The fact that she got so outraged that last time you called her a liar kind of lent me to believe she really thought she hadn�t lied. I don�t think she�s that good an actress, you know?

I have never made Green Pepper Steak and would love to know how. It sounds like I�d really like that. After I read your email I thought about Smothered Steak, which I could also make with my bell peppers. That plant is going bananas. I am worried it�s going to fall down under the weight of the peppers, though. I have it tied to two steaks, but the plant is still drooping a little and is very heavy. Also, I still have a bunch of seeds. I can have bell peppers until the end of time! :) I don�t know how many of them are actually going to be fully ripe by Sunday, though. I have one I cut down right now and probably two or three more that will be ready by then, but they�re small...Anyway, if I won�t have many I�ll buy one at the market. Mom wants to have some for Carla to have with dip.

I just bought a fruit salad and some string cheese from that caterer dude who comes here every day. The fruit is very, very yummy! It�s got pineapple, kiwi, apple, mango, papaya, nectarine, blueberry and lime wedges. I don�t know what�s up with the lime wedges, but aside from that � pretty stinkin� groovy. The only problem is that I can�t eat it all for breakfast and I don�t want to put it in the fridge cuz I�m afraid someone will steal it and then I�d just have to go all Postal.

Did I tell you that Sondra is taking me to Disneyland on Sunday the 19th for my b-day? The really cool thing is, I will get a free ticket to California Adventure (they�re doing a special thing at D-land right now � buy one, get a free ticket to come back to the other park). I�m excited cuz I haven�t even been to Ca. Adventure yet! I told John and he�s going to take me there later. They change The Haunted Mansion at this time of year, you know � they put things in it from Nightmare Before Christmas. They leave it that way thru Christmas. I love that movie and I love that ride, but I haven�t been to D-land in so long that I�ve never seen it. :( Actually, I think it�s only been like two years, but it seems like forever.

Did you vote, yet? I think I�m going to take a lunch hour and do it. Of course, I didn�t get out of bed early enough to vote this morning and I think if I wait until after work the places may be very crowded. I tell ya, I will be very glad when this is over. I am so sick of those stinkin� campaign commercials I could scream.

I told Linda about Santa Fe. She and Chuck are talking about going to New York at the beginning of May (she bought those $225 airline tickets from me**), but she told me to keep her in the loop. I thought they were going to go to Montreal, but I guess they decided to stick with New York...anyway, I hope if she doesn�t go with me that she actually does go with Chuck.

Have you talked to her lately? Chuck had a Stress Test on Saturday. I guess everything went well, but now they�re doing tests on his stomach.

Can you believe tomorrow�s my birthday? It just doesn�t seem like my birthday this year at all.

Guess I�ll get to work. Try to have a good day.

**A couple of months ago, I had the opportunity to buy airline tickets for $225 - good to fly anywhere within the contiguous United States and Canada.


-----Original Message-----
From: Barbi
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 10:15 AM
To: karen
Subject: Re: (no subject)

I'm so glad Chuck's stress test went well! I was afraid he would flunk it! I'm also glad that he is finally going to the dr. and checking things out. I hope they go to New York.

I really think Robin deludes herself, yes. She's bonkers. She can't take any kind of help because she thinks she's perfect. She over reacts to any suggestion of correction and lies about it afterward. I'm sure she lies to herself. What a nut case.

I will vote on my way home for lunch. I just go to the fire station by my house. Very convenient since I don't have the car today. All our patients are commenting that they are so sick of it all also. As am I. I'm disgusted, really.

Carla likes green peppers and dip? What a strange girl. Just kidding.

I've been doing well on my no carb diet. I think I'm gonna die though. It's incredibly difficult. I'm trying to hang in there so that I can have some cake as my reward. We'll see.

Love ya!

Oh and yeah, sorry it doesn't feel like your birthday but what does a birthday feel like anymore? I stopped caring years ago. Just another day to me. I wish I could take you out for a drink but I'm not drinking or eating anything good. It would be no fun!


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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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