Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Thursday, Oct. 09, 2003
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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
So...as many of you know, last night was The Bachelor night.


Again I must state the obvious (obvious to anyone who has watched five minutes of the show): Bob is a Big Ol� Ho!

Of course, so are a lot of these women...well, they�re at least desperate enough to act like ho�s. And yes, I am talking to the three of you who sang karaoke* with him last night and then proceeded to lay all over and around him in bed.

Oof! This show was sad and pathetic and if there is a real woman lost in the midst of these pathetic...well, ho-bags, she is just not being seen because of all the nonsense.

I never thought of myself as a prude, but there is just something distasteful about a guy who kisses four women within a twenty-four hour period...and all of them on television.

Oh and I almost forgot the tears!!! Oh, so many tears last night! And, aside from the gal whose grandmother died, I really have no idea why any of them were crying. But they sure looked like hell when they did. If I EVER get on t.v. may God strike me dead if I cry. I've seen what I look like. *shiver*

Damn, that�s some good t.v.

*By the way...the whole karaoke thing was extremely entertaining, what with the girls practically peeing their pants in glee and Bob apparently thinking he is going to get a recording deal out of this...and also by the way - if he does, I am just going to kill myself.


In other news, I think I pissed off one or two people who work on the Dennis Kucinich campaign.

You see, it is both a problem and a blessing that, as opposed to other campaigns on which I have worked, the Kucinich campaign is truly a grass-roots endeavor. These are just a bunch of normal people who decided to band together and try to elect a president. This can be a really, really great thing and the majority of the time these facts inspire rather than irritate me.

Lately, though, there has been much whining from certain corners of the Kucinich room about various issues, most of all about fundraising. In essence, they are sick of the national campaign�s constant fundraising efforts.

While it would be nice to be able to run a campaign free of money, it is impossible. Last week was quarter end for fundraising for all candidates and therefore there was a huge push to get as much money collected as possible and thereby also get matching funds from the Federal Gov�t. Yes, there were a lot of letters in our email boxes, each of them asking for money. Yes, the proverbial hat was passed at every event. It was annoying. But it was also completely understandable.

Anyway, I asserted my opinion last week, which is that we all must put up with this. Dennis� campaign needs money, plain and simple. He does not rely on corporate sponsorship or �Special Interest� money. This is something we should be applauding and supporting. And this means, we�re gonna have to put up with the passing of the hat.

Believe it or not, I generally stay pretty quiet while working on the campaign, simply because there are too many voices; the cacophony can be quite deafening. However, I also voiced my opinion about some other crap that has been posted on our group�s message board lately. Suffice it to say that my local chapter of the Kucinich campaign (actually the Orange County chapter. Long Beach�s chapter is still small and I remain active in both) includes some...characters. One guy is a complete wacko who, after Arnold was elected yesterday, is now calling essentially for an armed rebellion; others have been dissatisfied with Dennis� reluctance to pounce on every freakin� issue that they personally think is important. Usually, these issues are all about love and tree-huggin� peace. Now, I support both love and tree-huggin peace, but come on kids. Let�s be real, here. Following are excerpts from two of my notes on our message board:

�Before I get going here, I just want to point out that this is just my opinion and I do not speak for the Dennis Kucinich campaign...

While I am very much in favor of Dennis Kucinich's more lofty and spiritual ideals and would also love to see him focus on them, let's be real here. As do others who have posted to this board, I know many people who believe Dennis to be a man of integrity; a strong man with great ideas. However, they are not supporting him because they think he has no chance of winning. This is a crucial thing to keep in mind � how many of us know several people who take this very position? If we could turn all of those people on to Dennis in a more committed way, he would probably be ahead of Dean in the polls. The opinion that Dennis is not electable is not going to be helped by his focusing on the more "controversial" of his positions. I certainly understand your frustrations and I have to say that I also grow increasingly tired of the constant emails from celebrities and others, asking for donations and there are also issues I would like to hear him talk about more. That said, I think it wise to remember three points:

1. The vast majority of American citizens don't even vote, let alone keep themselves educated and aware of issues. While those of us close to this campaign may take pains to keep ourselves informed and aware of issues concerning us and our country...most people...base their political choices on many things that have nothing to do with job qualifications. You mention the "spiritual dimension" of Dennis' campaign and while I don't disagree with you...well, come on now. Do you really think the folks in the cubicles outside my office are thinking about such things? They're too busy trying to figure out how to get their kids fed tonight and still pay their mortgage this month. The Kucinich campaign is using the voices of people like Ed Asner and Willie Nelson not to sell him to you and me, but to sell him to the vast majority of people out there who don't want to take the time or don't have the time to actually do some research and find the candidate who speaks to their concerns. All politicians use celebrities and others who have that sort of publicly recognized face and charisma to speak to the vast majority of the American citizenry, for the very reasons I mention here.

2. The Kucinich campaign needs money. The bottom line is that he can not run a campaign, let along win an election without it. I'm sure he doesn't like having to ask for it and I sure as hell get sick of his doing so. However, we want him to win, don't we? I'm not interested in having Dennis as a candidate simply to make a point and shine some light in areas others would rather shove under a rug. I want him to win. We all know that one of the great things about Kucinich is that he depends most on we, the people. Well, we the people have small wallets, as a rule. Our contributions are therefore going to be smaller. Dennis, therefore, will need more of them.

3. Dennis has not abandoned any of his ideals, but I think it is understandable that he might focus on some more than others at this stage of his campaign. The main thing here is to get Dennis elected. Keeping that in mind, he needs to walk a fine line when it comes to some of his positions, as many of them are radically different from anyone else's. I'm not saying he should abandon them or ignore them, but neither do I think he has done so. Contrary to what you seem to be saying here, I think it courageous of Dennis to take many of the positions about which he has recently been vocal, including calling for a return of our troops from Iraq and pushing for others to deny Bush his extra $87 billion, as well as his stating very plainly that he wants to eliminate the WTO and NAFTA. These, among others, are not "popular" positions to take and yet he has done so to the point that I have heard many say they admire him but he will never win the election because of his "radical ideas." Yet Dennis does not waver in his commitment. However, while I don't expect Dennis to abandon his ideals, I also don't expect him to be so contrary to public opinion at this point that he has no chance of getting elected at all. In addition, if we learned nothing from the Carter presidency, we should have learned that you will accomplish nothing if you enter office as such an outsider that you find roadblocks everywhere and there is nobody willing to work with you. Nobody on Capital Hill works alone.

I do not expect that Dennis will ever back down from his ideals and I think he has proven that. However, even though DC needs someone to do it, you simply can not run through the place with a bull-dozer. It takes baby steps to get anywhere. Dennis needs finesse, tact and the ability to work well with others in order to get elected in the first place let alone be an effective President. At least with him, we know the baby steps will be taken in the right direction...

I frankly don't think you are giving our candidate sufficient credit for the courageous ground-breaker that he is already. While I certainly understand your position and respect your priorities, my main priority here is getting Dennis elected. He can't do any of the wonderful things we talk about if he doesn't get the job. To be proverbial for a second, Rome was not built in a day. To intimate that Dennis is backing away from his ideals because he is not with gusto tackling each and every Bill or proposed legislation that is important to you is off base and unfair. While it is understandable that you would be frustrated that Dennis has not been public about his position on the items you refer to, I am also wondering just who you think would conform more to your opinions.

If you have not done so already, why not contact Dennis and ask him his position on these items and/or ask for his support? This is just my guess, but you would probably find his response to be adequate and encouraging.�

And after reading a post by the above-referenced lunatic who not only wants Dennis to drop out of the race but wants us all to rise up in armed rebellion (and who, miraculously, has not been barred from our message board):

�I'm all for free speech and everything, but I thought people who made posts such as this would be eliminated from this group. Personally, I do not want to be affiliated in any way with a person, such as this one, who is not only calling for Kucinich to drop out of the race but is calling for violence. Do we really want someone around here who is openly showing appreciation for the Nazi party, for Pete's sake?

I doubt very much this person was ever behind Dennis to begin with and he/she is simply using this forum as a place to spout angry, divisive drivel. Drivel that isn't even grammatically correct, I might add. I would appreciate seeing an end to this baloney.�

Anyway...so I made me some friends with these posts, apparently. The hippies are now out to get me! EEK!

The funny thing is, the ones to whom my posts were directed haven�t said jack crap about them.

I don�t know why I shared all of this, but it brings up a point which is funny to me. I have noticed that many here in d-land who have strong political opinions have been lambasted for them, via Guestbook entries or email. Not that I am asking for anyone to yell at me in my guestbook, but it makes me wonder...does nobody read this thing or do they just not read my political entries? Or does everyone just agree with me 100% because I am inspirationally intelligent and fabulously entertaining in how I convey my opinions?


Word of the Day for Thursday October 9, 2003:

adumbrate AD-uhm-brayt; uh-DUHM-, transitive verb:

1. To give a sketchy or slight representation of; to outline.

2. To foreshadow in a vague way.

3. To suggest, indicate, or disclose partially.

4. To cast a shadow over; to shade; to obscure.


Quote A Day:

I just do it. My advice is just do it and do it for free. There will be a time when you'll be paid in some way. Do it with no strings attached. Do it because you love it. --Patricia Wright

Inspiration of the Day:

Opera legend Luciano Pavarotti announced that he's going to become a teacher, pass on his experience to aspiring singers. After a difficult year, in which he lost his mother, father and a baby son during child birth, he boldly declared, "I'm going to teach for free."

Be The Change:

What do you love so much that you'd be willing to teach it for free? Start now.

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't know why you'd wanna, but on the off-chance you may feel tempted to steal any of my words and claim them as your own, please be advised: All material
Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

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