Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003
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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
I thought I would be kind to those of you who are only interested in certain aspects of the wonder that is the ikss. Personally, I have no idea why you wouldn't be drawn as a magnet to my every word, but I have noticed that some of you seem to only read my personal-life entries; some of you only read the political stuff, etc. Therefore, in my altruism, I decided to mark each section for you in bold. Have fun, kids.

Misc. Baloney About My Life

Well...It looks like I just have to go on a low-carb diet.

Everybody I know (OK, not everybody, but certain individuals such as this dude, my sister Barbara, various people at work and others) is either going full-on Atkins or at least low-carb.

And it�s working for them.


I think I can give up bread and tortillas, although frankly that will be hell enough. My problem is with fruit. And yogurt. Neither of which I can eat on a low-carb diet and both of which basically keep me alive while I am in any way dieting.

See, there are not enough veggies that I like to eat, certainly none raw. Yikes. And there is NO WAY I can eat as much protein and fat every day as is called for on the Atkins Diet.

However, this walking thing has started to morph my body into something I am no longer familiar with. I look foreign. See, I totally changed my workout regime for this deal. In essence, the only workout I get anymore is either walking or having sex. Since I am walking so far now�well, there just aren�t enough hours in the day to both walk and workout as I used to.

The bottom line is, I have gained weight and don�t like the look of my body right now. And I am not overeating, so really there is no way to cut back. That means I have to change what I am eating and the only sinful thing I am eating these days is...carbs.


Plus, you know, it is damned expensive to be on a diet! Foods that are bad for you are just so much cheaper. Take Taco Bell, for instance�not that I have been to that place in a long time, but you can eat a meal there for like $3!

Man, I really hate my metabolism. It really sucks not to be able to eat like a regular person without weighing as much as two of them. This is the cross I bear, people. Be nice to me.

Of course, the brownie I bought from our caterer this morning probably isn�t helping matters much.

In non-fat-ass-related news, I decided to look at Friendster a couple of days ago. I signed up on Friendster some time ago. Initially, I intended to use it in an effort to locate a few friends I have lost track of, over the years. As it hasn�t really worked in that capacity, I never looked at it again.

Well...turns out that my whopping five friends has turned in to 81,412 people associated with me! Yikes.

And I must say...most of my �associates� seem like complete wackadoos.

Figures, doesn�t it?



So I found out that my company is having a real live, honest to goodness holiday party this year at none other than the House of Blues. The problem is, I now have to find a date.

Quick, people � we have two months! Send your ex-boyfriends and nice brothers my way, will ya?



Interesting development on Gilmore Girls last night�

First of all, I really hate it when the trailers for shows are completely misleading, as was the tease for last night�s show. They intimated that Rory was contemplating ruining Dean�s pending nuptials by declaring undying love for him. Sounds like some whopping fun, right?

No such thing happened.

Dean, on the other hand, got drunk and was talking about how awesome Rory is and that �She�s the one�. Of course, he sobered up and got married to someone else anyway. Rory was sad about it, but at no time did she ever even contemplate telling Dean she loves him, nor did they ever even hint that she might still be in love with him, really. Sure, she was sad at his wedding, but he was her first love. She broke his heart to hook up with that disgusting Jess creep (whom I hated. And what was up with that hair, anyway?) who so completely fucked up his life that he flunked out of High School and had to leave the show (hopefully for good) and move to California to hang out with his good-for-nothing dad.

I think most of us would cry at such a time.

Now that we�re talking about teases, by the way, I just have to point out something from last season which really bothered me. In the show where Dean told Rory he was getting married�on the commercial tease for this episode, Rory asks Dean why he is getting married at such a young age (they�re like 18). After they awkwardly argue for a while, he tells her his girlfriend is pregnant.

On the actual show? No such conversation ever took place. I watched that episode twice, to make sure I hadn�t missed anything.

Shivs - did you notice that? Did I miss something? Very distressing, indeed.

Anyway, I hope Dean is back. I always loved him, dearly. And that Jess kid was just annoying as all hell.


So is anyone watching Joe Schmo? Ah�this show is gold.

See, this guy is on a reality t.v. show called The Lap of Luxury. A bunch of people are in a house, competing for $100,000. They have to play lame and stereotypical games, there is lots of T&A and in-fighting and drama. Except...oh, but the way...The show is totally fake! Joe Schmo is the only one who thinks it�s real � everyone else is an actor.

This really is a golden show because they totally make fun of every reality t.v. show gimmick and cheesy contestant stereotype that ever was. It�s hilarious. I do feel kind of bad for Joe, cuz he seems like a nice guy; but I assume it will all work out in the end. I hope.


This morning, I woke up like an hour early. I have no idea why, but it gave me some time to watch one of my favorite episodes of West Wing being repeated on Bravo. The thing is...why are speech impediments always so damn amusing? In this particular episode, CJ just had a root canal. She couldn�t speak properly and was saying things like �We need to bweef the Pwesident� (brief the President). I was cracking UP.


Belated Movie Reviews

Before I get going here with my always timely movie reviews, I just have to ask...How many times does the stinkin' Texas Chainsaw Massacre have to be made? To my count, the one about to be released is version 3.

I have two points. My main one is, the original was a great movie, but do we need three different versions? Does nobody in Hollywood know how to write an original script anymore???!!! If I see one more remake or one more movie based on a 70's t.v. show, I will...well, pretty much nothing. But I'll be disgusted.

Second point: If the original was such a good movie, do we really need to remake it? Unless you're offering a new spin on the story or something, don't waste my time.

OK, so recently I have watched Identity, starring my boyfriend John Cusak, and Chicago. Loved them both! I had no idea about the turns and surprises in Identity and thus was pleasantly thrilled by them. Chicago was just awesome. I think it is now one of my favorite films of all time, it was that good.



See? I�m not the only one who thinks Dennis Kucinich was slighted in last week�s debate.

Published on Tuesday, October 14, 2003 by the Madison (WI) Capital Times:

Kucinich Gets the Shaft in Dem Debate
by John Nichols

Politicians always whine about being treated unfairly by the media...

That was obvious last week, during CNN's televised debate featuring the nine Democratic presidential candidates. Moderator Judy Woodruff put the candidates into a ridiculous situation where they essentially had to beg to be called on to answer questions.

Then she refused to call on the one candidate who has most consistently and effectively challenged the president's war-making: Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-chair Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio.

This is National Journal's breakdown of how much time each of the candidates was permitted to speak during Thursday's debate:

Howard Dean - 14 minutes, 7 seconds.
John Kerry - 12 minutes, 31 seconds.
Wesley Clark - 10 minutes, 36 seconds.
Richard Gephardt - 10 minutes, 2 seconds.
Joe Lieberman - 9 minutes, 26 seconds.
Carol Moseley Braun - 8 minutes, 39 seconds.
Al Sharpton - 8 minutes, 28 seconds.
John Edwards - 8 minutes, 0 seconds.
Kucinich - 5 minutes, 9 seconds.

As a result of the lopsided nature of the debate, it might have been easy to think that the range of debate within the Democratic Party with regard to the war runs the gamut from the "it was a bad idea, but we're stuck now" crowd (Dean, Clark, Kerry) to the "it was a good idea, but we're stuck now" crowd (Gephardt, Edwards, Lieberman).

Though Kucinich had just released a detailed plan for turning over responsibility for Iraq to the United Nations - which would, by any measure, have been a fine topic for discussion in a debate among candidates who could end up dealing with that precise issue - he was accorded dramatically less time to explain his views than Braun and Sharpton, whose campaigns have been shamefully neglected by most media.

Considering the circumstances, Kucinich acquitted himself reasonably well. He addressed the basic points of his plan, and he put the issue of the Bush administration's request for an additional $87 billion to fund the occupation of Iraq - which Kucinich opposes - on the table.

But it cannot be said that he was afforded an equal opportunity to discuss the issues, and he certainly was not allowed to push the debate in the more serious direction where it should have gone.

The neglect of Kucinich and his campaign ought to concern not merely his supporters but all Americans. A basic sense of fairness, and respect for the process, ought to guarantee a reasonably equal measure of attention to a serious candidate who has done a better job than most of the contenders when it comes to addressing the issues.

Major media outlets that did a miserable job of covering the public debate before the Iraq war started do a profound disservice, not just to this campaign but to this nation, when they warp the political debate about how best to end it.

Copyright �, Capital Newspapers


Word of the Day for Wednesday October 15, 2003:
rotund roh-TUHND, adjective:
1. Round; circular; spherical.
2. Rounded in figure; plump; chubby.
3. Full and rich in sound; sonorous.

The Bush administration has gone to great lengths, even so far as giving false information to Congress, to gut a clean air regulation opposed by electric utilities an industry that funneled $4.8 million into Bush's 2000 campaign.

Read the full report.

One week after the August blackout that left 50 million Americans without power, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham refused to separate grid modernization from the rest of the energy bill and place it on a fast track. Abraham's refusal contradicted President Bush's promise immediately following the blackout to take action to "determine whether or not our grid needs to be modernized."

Read the full Mis-Lead.

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't know why you'd wanna, but on the off-chance you may feel tempted to steal any of my words and claim them as your own, please be advised: All material
Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

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