Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Monday, Dec. 01, 2003
catch me if you can


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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
Real quick�

Thanksgiving was great. Met both Amy�s and Sarah�s new boyfriends. They both seem nice and actually deserving of my niece�s affections, for once. I�m happy for both of them, as they seem over the moon and giddy in their new love.

Sarah�s new guy, Chris, is not only a complete babe and a half, but�um�he�s only three years younger than I! That makes him eleven years older than Sarah�Now, I know eleven years is no big deal (especially when you consider that man years are the opposite of dog years in that they only age one year for every seven of ours), but�well, I�ll admit that I was slightly taken aback to realize that had I met Chris in a bar before Sarah did (that�s how they met), I would have been the one picking up on him.

That�s just weird. And kind of...eew.

Sarah says she is going to marry Chris. I was mashing potatoes when she informed me of this fact. I asked if he knew about her plan to make him her hubby and she said �Yes. I already told him.�


The rest of my weekend was a haze of cleaning and getting things put in boxes in preparation for this coming Saturday�s yard sale. I also went to see Lou�s band play on Saturday night, along with various members of my family, including Mark.

On Sunday I made time for one long hot mineral bath.

John had my car detailed while he had it last week, that nice man...Oh, there was also lots of sex, food, sex and mota this weekend, but ya�ll don�t really want to hear about that now do ya?

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 10:50 AM
To: karen
Subject: (no subject)

Good morning.

How ya doing? I have a little allergy this morning (it better just be an allergy), otherwise I'm fine. Didn't want to come here, but it's not so bad. We have on our new Christmas uniform tops. Alisa and I, that is. Not Dan.

So, I was kinda thinking that the ball is now in Mark's court, and if he wants Alisa's number, he'll let me know. If he's expecting to see her at your Christmas party though, he needs to say something. I would have to tell her and make her go, otherwise, you know, it's hard to get her out of the house sometimes. What do you think? I'm a little leery of the whole thing but Alisa seems ok with it. I'm certainly not going to push it.

Did you ask Linda if she is selling things in the yard sale? If not, it was nice of her to do this for us! Don't forget, we each owe her around $10.00 for the ad.

So what, is Amy going to move away and leave us? Just go up to Berkeley, get student loans and a job or something? Hopefully, she'll get into UCLA and not have to leave her job. I mean, going away to college is wonderful, we all should do it, but she doesn't have any $ help so you know she'll have to work. It will be hard on her if she goes out of our area, but hey, she can do it. I'm so glad she is doing it!

Gotta work, there was something else I wanted to say, but I don't remember.

Love ya!

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:34 AM
To: Barbara
Subject: (no subject)


I am well, thank you. Cold as all hell, but otherwise well. I had a nice weekend. I got a lot done! Everything is ready for the yard sale; I just have to take a few items with me when I go on Saturday morning. I will need to put price tags on everything as I set it all up at Linda�s, though.

Linda is selling stuff, yes. She has apparently also worked very hard this week. I didn�t go in her house when I stopped by on Sat. (we put all of my stuff in her garage), but she said her living room is now full of boxes between what you took over and what she has there. Good things it�s only for a week. Carla is also coming down to sell stuff.

They have three long, rectangular tables they can set up; plus you�ll have Mom�s. Hopefully that will be enough, at least for the glass items and stuff like that. We will certainly have plenty of room, all along the side of her house.

I am going to arrive at Linda�s at 5:00 am. Even though the yard sale is supposed to start at 7:00, I know people will be early and I have a lot of price tags to put on things. She and I will both be out in front of her house at that time. Ugh! At least we�ll (hopefully) end things early in the day and can then go home and nap! Actually, my plan is to immediately drop off at Goodwill whatever I don�t sell, THEN go home and nap.

Let�s go ahead and invite Alisa to my party. I would like her to be there regardless. I think Alisa would be good for Mark, but I understand your reservations. I don�t know that Mark will be ready for a relationship any time soon anyway, though, so we may not have to worry about it. You never know, though. He says that now, but once he meets someone he likes he may be singing a different tune. He openly admits he hates to be alone.

Yeah, Amy is applying at Berkley as well as UCLA. I thought you knew that already. I think she has mixed emotions about which college she wants to go to. I think she would be excited to move away, especially to somewhere fun like Berkley, but like you she knows that it would be easier to stay close to home. I think she�s planning on working while going to school, either way. I�m proud of her, too!

One thing that�s maybe not so good�I am having a(nother) little problem with my car. As in, it acts like it�s not going to start. Ergh�John had the problem when he took my car up north and we�ve been talking about it and then this morning I thought it wasn�t going to start. He thinks they just need to tweak the computer. Now he is telling me to do some stuff tomorrow morning and report back to him, so he can talk to the dealership about it.

Again I say: Ergh�

I am now starving. I forgot my lunch, too, so I have to go out and buy something. Bummer.

Talk to ya later!


-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:53 AM
To: karen
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Yikes, I hate car problems! I wonder if it has anything to do with what they did to your car on the recall thing?

I didn't actually get Mom's table cuz 1. I thought you were and B. I already had my car full of her coffee table. I am taking tomorrow morning off to take June into L.A. for a doctor's appointment, so I will get her card table then. It sounds like it's gonna be a BIG yard sale. Cool. I really need to make some money cuz now I have to buy gifts for my "grandkids" and step kids. Yikes!

Don't forget, Wednesday is Mark's birthday. I actually am mailing him a card. I don't usually, but I know he's down so I thought I should.

Love ya!

Oh yeah, what is the dress for your party? If you're not wearing my purple dress, please bring it to me on Saturday. I have nothing fancy to wear.


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 12:16 AM
To: Barbara
Subject: (no subject)

Uh�when I said I wanted Mom�s card table you said you were getting it and I was agreeable to that notion. Doh! Good thing I mentioned it! :)

I thought about that with my car, actually, since they had to work on the computer to fix that recall problem. At first (when he first came down this weekend), John thought there was a service bulletin out on my car which said if the temperature drops below a certain point at night this will happen. It turns out that my car�s VIN wasn�t included in that bulletin, though, but it sounds like the same problem�anyway, John gave me some helpful information that enabled me to start the car this morning, but I am still a little nervous and actually considered not coming in to work so I could get my car fixed today. Hopefully I�ll know more about what is wrong tomorrow�If I need to take my car in, though, I may need some help getting back to the dealership whatever day that happens to be. I don�t think John is coming back down until the weekend of the 20th so I may need someone else to help me with that�

I don�t think I�ll be wearing your purple dress again. I�ll try to remember to bring it to you this weekend, if you�d like. I don�t know when I�ll see you again before the 20th so that would probably be better (although I am still hoping to see you on the 13th).

I am planning on getting a dressed up, but cocktail attire is not essential for entrance in to my pad on Dec. 20. We won�t have a doorman or anything. :) We don�t get a lot of opportunities to dress in our fancies, though, so I am encouraging it. Even my company holiday party isn�t a fancy affair. It�s at the House of Blues and bluesy-rock bands are playing, ya know?

They just passed out these formal-looking envelopes. I was hoping our bonus checks were enclosed, but no�it�s just a form we need to sign, accepting responsibility for our own alcohol consumption at the party.

By the way � do you have any interest in going to the House of Blues Sunday night for this thing? Don�t worry, I assume you don�t want to go�but John can�t go and I RSVP�d for two so I�ll have to scrounge up a date if you don�t want to go with me.

What happened to all of those male friends I used to have anyway?


----Original Message-----
From: Barbara
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:46 PM
To: karen
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Yeah, well, you were always a better friend to your male friends than they were to you! No, I don't want to go, but thanks. Why don't you ask Mark?

Yes, please bring my dress this Saturday if you're sure you won't need it.

I am planning on coming down the 13th. I just don't know if it will be just Cathy and I or if I will have to include Arnett and Jordan. Is John planning on going to the parade? The Glendora xmas parade is that morning, so I may see 2 parades in one day! We usually go to the Glendora parade. It's fun.


----Original Message-----
From: Karen
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 2:10 PM
To: Barbara
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Frankly, I�m a better friend to most people than they are to me. :)

I don�t really want to go to my Xmas party with Mark. If anyone, I�d ask Amy. It�s not a big deal, though. If I go alone, I go alone. The only reason I even mentioned it is because my company has now paid for two of me and I feel kind of bad about that. But, whatever�I mean, I think the big wigs here can afford an extra plate of Voodoo Chicken or whatever.

John will not be here on the 13th. He�s getting together that night with the two of his sisters who live up close to him, for Christmas. So I will be stag that night, as well. I am planning on just having some cheese and crackers and some champagne or wine at my place, before the parade. If we end up wanting to go to dinner, so much the better. Actually, Cathy told me she�d get back to me about the 13th � did she tell you for sure she wants to come? I am going to ask Mom if she wants to come, too. She mentioned in the past that she wanted to go to the next one. I meant to mention that to you last week.

Anyway, I�ll be home and planning on going to the parade with whomever wants to show up. :)



Word of the Day for Monday December 1, 2003:

tutelary TOO-tuh-lair-ee; TYOO-, adjective:
Having the guardianship or charge of protecting a person or a thing; guardian; protecting; as, "tutelary goddesses."

Quote A Day:
It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them. --Alfred Adler

Inspiration of the Day:
In Africa, where ethnic wars in Rwanda and the Congo have killed millions of people, a top Hutu rebel military commander suddenly turned himself in with several colleagues at an airport in Kigali. Emerging from the Congo jungle bases where they battled the Rwandan government for years, the leader of the Democratic Liberation Forces said, "We have decided to put down guns. War is not the best solution."

Be The Change:
Learn about the Rwanda's genocide, where 800,000 Rwandans were killed in the span of 100 days.


Let us live a giving life. It is my awareness of what accompanies the giving act (the recognition of my reservations about giving, or my resentment, my anxiety when I serve another or hold my angry tongue) that slowly transforms me. It is the experience of my unkindness that can enable me to be truly kind, giving. --Charlotte Joko Beck

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't know why you'd wanna, but on the off-chance you may feel tempted to steal any of my words and claim them as your own, please be advised: All material
Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

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