Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2004
lies - the ineffectual idiot's attack strategy


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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
Howdy kids!

Last night's training walk was great! Not a smidge of pain in my legs (not that I�m complaining, but�WTF???), so I had lots of energy. Made it around the "hill loop" three times (six miles). Our Tuesday walks take us through some very hilly terrain that gets pretty steep, so I�ve set it up in a loop. One loop is two miles. That way, you can walk two, four, six miles, etc. depending on your fitness level (believe me when I say that these hills are killer). We had a total of five ladies last night. One gal made it around once, another twice and the rest of us three times.

Thank God for D � since she knows the routes so well, she can always go ahead with the fast people, so they don't get lost; while I can stay back with the slow-pokes so we don't lose 'em. Which is what happened last night (although we took the last loop together cuz she waited for me). On Saturday, I hardly even saw her because I was half an hour behind her with the slower couple of people.

Also, thank God for the slow-pokes. I have short legs, you know.

In other news�Here�s what I have to say about the recent batch of attack ads The Right is airing in an effort to discredit John Kerry (and the right-wing books now being written about his war experience): When a man has a record as lousy as Dubya�s, across the board, he apparently feels the need to resort to lies, misrepresentations and attacks from people who never even knew John Kerry when he was in Viet Nam, let alone served with him. Apparently, this is the only ammunition Dubya has at his disposal to use in an effort to get votes. And that speaks volumes.

Let us not forget that Dubya used his connections to get out of going to Nam in the first place, then was most likely a deserter from the puissant National Guard unit he was assigned to. He has no defense in light of Kerry�s volunteering for that war and then saving peoples� lives and earning a chest full of medals in the process. He has to resort to this bullshit now doesn�t he?

While I agree with my sister Barbara that John Kerry should remain above the fray and not get in to these childish name-calling games that Dubya and his flunky Karl Rove so love to play, I also hope he finds ways to get the truth out there. Because while I may see Bush�s attack ads for the cries of desperation that they really are, sadly most people in America will believe what he�s saying in them�you know, just like they believed that Al Gore claimed to have invented the internet (which he never, ever said, not even once!), rather than researching the matter and finding out that what he claimed was that he fought for and supported developing the Pentagon system which eventually became the internet. Not that he invented it - that he saw what a valuable asset and leap in technology it was and fought for our government to put money behind it.

See, that�s a good thing that he did. He should have talked about it, because it was a good thing. None of us would be keeping these little online blogs had he and others like him not recognized the value in that Pentagon system and fought to have it financed.

Karl Rove took what Al Gore did and made it seem like he was taking credit for inventing the internet which he never claimed to have done. And now it�s part of freakin� folklore in this country.

Anyway, my point is that I hope John Kerry isn�t such a pussy. But how to balance your wish not to be a pussy and let people spread lies about you and your wish not to get caught up in trash-talking about stupid bullshit that doesn�t even matter much? It would be nice if he could remain above the crap, but since most of America lives there, he is going to have to stand up for himself.

Of course, if he does I wish he�d just speak. Talk to us, John. In Plain English. Answer the fucking question as it is posed. No �Well, I voted for it before I voted against it� bullshit, without explaining what the fuck you mean to the 90% of Americans who don�t follow what bill is up for a vote at what time.

I think that�s a large part of the Democratic Party�s problems: We are pompous. We figure you should know what�s going on and if you don�t, we very often fail to explain it to you.

OK, no more politikin (but see the Daily Mislead, below). Instead, I will fill you in on my plans over the next few days:

Tonight, I hope to finish cleaning the Rad Pad Jr., but I make no such promises.

Tomorrow night I have a 7 mile training walk. I also need to go to the market, but that will most likely wait until Friday night. Yes, I plan on spending Friday night at the market. I may even do some laundry that night. What�s it to ya?

John is coming down this weekend, which is a very good thing, because he hasn�t been down the past two weeks (he got sick last weekend). Two weeks without sex makes the ikss a tad�agitated.

Sometime on Friday night or Saturday afternoon, I need to go to the Spa. John is one of those rare men who actually enjoys shopping, so I may wait �til Saturday and he can go with me. Then we can go to the mall or something. Anyway, as you may have read in these pages recently, some of the female members of my family are planning a trip to the Spa sometime in September. Well, I need to go out to that Spa and pick up some gift certificates for the gals: for Carla, because August 20th is her 30th birthday (EEK!); for Amy, because she is moving to Berkeley Oct. 1, to begin school in the Spring; for Barbara, because her birthday is Sept. 27 and for Linda as a thank you because she is always there when I need someone to do yucky shit like pick me up at the airport or help me pack.

And, you know�this way, nobody can say they can�t go because they can�t afford it.

Sunday is a family day. Since I am actually making some important food, I should probably go. I am marinating some chicken, which will be bar-b-qued when I get to my folks� house, and making a fruit salad.

Don�t; worry � we�re eating other things. I�m just not making them.

Sondra is supposed to be there, at least for a little while. Apparently, she works in the evening. I am hoping Lou just won�t show up, especially since they have to leave early anyway.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.



With one of his top donors airing a dishonest and discredited attack ad against Sen. John Kerry's military record, President George W. Bush is refusing to denounce the tactics. Not only is Bush ignoring calls from his own top Republicans to intervene, he is directly contradicting his own demands during the 1992 presidential campaign.

Specifically, according to the July 14, 1992 Washington Post, George W. Bush authored a letter to more than 85,000 Republican donors on behalf of his father's presidential campaign urging them to stop funding sleazy and dishonest attacks on Bill Clinton.[1] Now, however, Bush is remaining silent as his top Texas fundraiser Robert Perry[2] bankrolls ads against Kerry, which independent academic institutions have discredited.[3] Even as Sen. John McCain (R) demands the White House issue a statement denouncing the tactics,[4] Bush refuses. Even as one of the veterans' in the ads apologizes for his attacks,[5] the President who talks so much about restoring "civility" has said nothing.[6]


1. "Bush Camp Files Complaint Against Horton Ad Maker" The Washington Post, p. A9, 07/14/92
2. "Top Texas Donor's Influence Far More Visible Than He Is," Los Angeles Times, 08/08/04
3. "Republican-funded Group Attacks Kerry's War Record" FactCheck.Org, 08/06/04
4. "McCain: Denounce smear," New York Daily News, 08/06/04
5. "Veteran retracts criticism of Kerry," The Boston Globe, 08/06/04
6. "President George W. Bush's Inaugural Address," The White House, 01/20/01

Visit www.Misleader.org for more about Bush Administration distortion.


Word of the Day for Wednesday August 11, 2004

arcanum ar-KAY-nuhm, noun;
plural arcana -nuh:
1. A secret; a mystery.
2. Specialized or mysterious knowledge, language, or information that is not accessible to the average person (generally used in the plural).

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't know why you'd wanna, but on the off-chance you may feel tempted to steal any of my words and claim them as your own, please be advised: All material
Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

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