Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Thursday, Jul. 15, 2004
more funner entry for the day (well�you know�it�s all relative, people)


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it's surreal -
Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2005

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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
Happy Birthday To: Jan-Michael Vincent, born this day in 1944


I have some catching up to do, in relation to more personal topics I have wanted to cover since returning from vacation. So this entry may be a bit scatter-brained (shut up, I already know what you�re thinking). The most important thing is I need to start begging for money.

Yes, it�s time to ask for donations to the Breast Cancer 3 Day, people. I�ll save the spiel. Just go here and break open your wallet, will ya? All the cool kids are doing it...

Now on to the rest.

1. Did anyone watch Blow Out on Bravo? The series just ended this week. Man, oh man�I can�t decide if that was just the best �reality� t.v. show ever or the most disgusting evidence of human nature ever filmed. Who the hell are those people and why do they think they�re so fucking important? They cut hair for a living! The main dude, Jonathan, is just the most self-obsessed, self-aggrandizing, oh and let�s not forget STRAIGHT man on the planet (they practically hit us over the head with his straight-ness), this side of the Bush Administration. And quite possibly the worst boss ever, I might add. Sheesh.

I�m gonna miss that show.

2. I Love the 90�s on VH1: Um...the 90�s were only four years ago. Do we really need a nostalgic series about them already? And what the hell is happening to VH1, in general? It is rapidly becoming the middle-aged version of its cousin Mtv in that they no longer play anything which has to do with music. Case in point: their new show called Flab to Fab in which they follow a few softies around in their quest to become hard bodies. How is this at all music-related? And how can I get on that show? Seriously, they hire a personal trainer for you and cook all of your meals for three months. Where do I sign up?

3. The shin problems I suffered through while training for last year�s 3 Day have returned. Actually, they returned some weeks ago, I just haven�t written about it because I had too many other things about which to whine. The good news is, they aren�t nearly as bad as last year � they only last for the first mile or so of each walk. But still...can I just tell you this is some serious pain? And I walk four times a week. That�s four times the pain, for those of you who can�t do math.

I have received some tips from some coaches and hope that I can use that information to my advantage. The biggest thing is, I need new walking shoes desperately. If you�ve walked more than 500 miles in your shoes, you need new ones. Well, I know I�ve walked farther than 500 miles in the last year, so�plus, I can just tell I need new shoes anyway. I�m going shopping this weekend for them. I also need to change my training route and mix it up a little. Apparently, I may be over-working certain muscle groups because I stick to the same training route most of the time. Therefore, I am going to start training in Signal Hill once per week, which is an area with (as you may have guessed from it�s moniker) a lot of hills.

The bad news is that the coach has been a fanatical runner for years and basically said that he suffers from shin splints all the time and�well, I may just have suffer through them all the time, too.

Oh, zippity!

4. In addition to my shin splints, my right ankle is completely fucked up. Again, it has been for weeks. I think I may have stretched a tendon or wounded the cartilage there in some way. But believe me when I tell you that it hurts like a little MoFo. And, you know�what�s a gal to do? It�s not like I�m going to stop walking � I mean the thing ain�t broken, it just hurts. And it often feels like a knuckle that needs to be cracked, but can�t do so (if that makes sense...hey, I know what I�m talking about!). So I�ve been taking 800 mgs. of Ibuprofen every day and icing the ankle down after my walks. I think I�m going to have to break down and go to the doctor, though, because I honestly can�t see walking 60 miles with the damn thing feeling the way it does now. I only walk 19-26 miles per week right now (on average) and I�m having terrible problems. 60 miles over three days? Um�could be a problem.

The truth is, I�m afraid of what the doctor is going to say. I am doing this fucking 3 Day walk, if it kills me, dammit! Hopefully, he�ll just tell me to lay off of it for a couple of weeks, which will interrupt my training but will be better than completely fucking myself up.

5. Also 3 Day-related is a new friendship I have developed with D. She is the only one who shows up for every training walk and often it is just she and I. She is wonderful and I love her! Of course, we have so many things in common (from our birthday to the timing of personal issues), it�s scary. This must be why I think she�s so cool.

6. I have made the decision to stop eating red meat, entirely. I am actually overhauling my eating habits completely, beginning with red meat which will be easy for me to stop eating, seeing as I rarely eat it anyway (just don't even mention In N Out to me for a while...or shredded beef tacos from Panama Joes!). For the first 45 days of my overhaul, I am cutting out red meat and most dairy (except for yogurt) and cutting down on eggs, including products which include eggs. During this 45 days, I am also going to try new veggies and try new ways of using Soy and Tofu in my food, to see what/how I like these items so I can use them to supplement my diet. See, I have a problem in that I am a semi-picky eater. I need to find foods to supplement my diet � foods that I can actually eat and enjoy.

After 45 days I am also going to cut way down on my chicken and seafood intake, limiting myself to only two non-vegetarian meals per month. This will be where the test really begins.

I have thought about becoming vegetarian many times over the last fifteen years or so, and for many reasons. My main concern is cholesterol. The female members of my family have a big problem with cholesterol. My mom has been on meds for a decade or more and had a heart attack anyway about four years ago. My oldest sister, Linda, was just put on cholesterol meds a couple of weeks ago. Barbara is going to be next and while my own doctor told me last year that I am OK for now, he also said I will probably have to go on those meds a few years down the line. That sucks. First of all, I am very suspicious of those types of pharmaceuticals (not that I won�t take them if I have to, but if I can do other things which negate my having to do so, I will). Secondly, for a carnivore, I already eat fairly decently. I allow myself the occasional splurge during PMS and do go out to eat with John a lot, but over-all, I eat far more healthily than most people I know. And yet, I am still going to have to go on those meds (not to mention I still struggle with my weight � a struggle which is only going to get harder as I get older).

This gal at work, Kim (the gal who usually tries to make my life a living hell), isn't exactly a vegetarian but she doesn't eat meat or chicken (occasional fish) and her diet is HEAVY on veggies. I talk to her about it a lot. Her family has a history of high cholesterol and diabetes. She is younger than I, but so far she has done really well in keeping her levels down, just because of her diet; whereas the rest of her family (who eat like most people) are kind of messed up (her Dad is really having problems with his Diabetes lately).

I am also reading this book by Dr. (John?) McDougall about the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle. He says that in all of his work, he found that his diet worked wonders on people's cholesterol, and that diet was far more effective than the medications he prescribed to his patients. He also swears that if you try his veggie diet for 45 days you won�t even crave anything else anymore (he says we�re just conditioned to be carnivores and that once you get out of that habit and develop different tastes, you will see that). Additionally, he says you�ll feel so much better you won�t go back regardless.

Of course, he also lost like 15 lbs. in the first 45 days he was on his diet, which is another thing I can hope for.

His diet is also heavy on starches, though, which does cause me some concern. That�s OK for people who don�t have stores of fat they need to burn for energy, but I want to burn those stores of fat before I start carb-loading, ya know? But then, I am not following his diet strictly anyway, at least not at the beginning and I doubt I ever will. I just can�t see myself giving up seafood and even chicken is going to be hard. Me without chicken tacos??? That just sounds insane. As I said, I plan to allow myself two meals of chicken or seafood per month, after I get settled in to this. If it turns out I can give those up, too, so much the better.

7. I still have no blinds in my bedroom and I haven�t even received a note from Darla, telling me what�s going on.

8. I need to go to the store and was going to do so at lunch. However, I have now waited too long and if I do so, I won�t be back in time for a 2:00 meeting I have to attend. So no store for me today. Instead, I am going to get a sammich at Subway while I can still eat chicken.

So bye4now kids!


Word of the Day for Wednesday July 14, 2004 libation ly-BAY-shun, noun:
1. The act of pouring a liquid (usually wine) either on the ground or on a victim in sacrifice to some deity; also, the wine or liquid thus poured out.
2. A beverage, especially an alcoholic beverage.
3. An act or instance of drinking.

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't know why you'd wanna, but on the off-chance you may feel tempted to steal any of my words and claim them as your own, please be advised: All material
Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

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