Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Tuesday, Apr. 06, 2004
National Insecurity


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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
Hey, kids! The-band-with-the-incredibly-stupid-name has a gig booked May 14-15 and apparently their lead singer can't make it that weekend...so guess who just got a phone call, asking her to sit in with the band that weekend?

Hee. :)

I'm actually excited about this. I got *gasp* advanced notice and everything! Of course, I now have some work to do, learning new songs and whatnot, but hey - I got advanced notice! (Usually Lou pulls these things on me last minute and I can't remember lyrics. Last week he asked me to sing some Mocositos songs since Original Mike was playing with him, and I couldn't even remember those. And I wrote them!

Of course, this means I'm gonna have to see Robert (the married guy who never fails to make me feel incredibly uncomfortable with his sexual overtures) and the Hunky Drummer at rehearsals and stuff, but I'll think about that later. We may only need one or two rehearsals anyway.


In lieu of an Internet-Dating Profile Quote today, I am going to list some of the headlines which I find interesting�or incredibly stupid�or just very, very odd�

"I saw my X on Nerve and her photo sucked"

�I always dreamed of being a gangster. Even as a kid."

"Sitting on a cornflake waiting for the sun to come"

�Hi, it's me again. I got another problem. This one's about my cat.�

�I cried all the way to Nashville ...�

�Miricle of birth, mystery of death, and here we are...�

�Is that a bubble butt or what?"

�Complete man seeking complete woman" (nothing like a little confidence, eh?)

and the ever-popular: �I�m the guy your mother warned you about� (apparently, our mother warned us about a lot of men).




President Bush has repeatedly said he is committed to doing whatever it takes to "cut off terrorist finances" in order to win the War on Terror (1). But according to a new report, the president is trying to kill a desperate request by his own officials to increase the number of investigators needed to disrupt the finances of Al Qaeda.**

The New York Times reports the president is trying to eliminate a $12 million request by the IRS, which says it needs the small injection of new money "to increase by 50% the number of criminal financial investigators" necessary to do its part in the fight against terrorism (2). The president could easily fund the program by reducing the tax cuts he wants to give to the 200,000 millionaires in America: instead of giving these millionaires an average tax cut of $88,326 he could simply reduce that tax cut by $60, giving them instead $88,266, while using the savings to fully fund the IRS request (3). Instead, President Bush is pushing more than $1 trillion in new tax cuts, while ignoring the request (4).

The effort to deny the IRS needed counterterrorism funds is just the latest example of the president grossly underfunding the protection of America. The Washington Post reported last week that immediately after 9/11, the White House "cut by nearly two-thirds an emergency request for counterterrorism funds by the FBI" (5).


1. President Recaps Historic Week in Domestic and Foreign Affairs, 11/23/2002

2. "I.R.S. Request for More Terrorism Investigators Is Denied", New York Times, 03/31/2004

3. "HOYER ON THE HOMELAND SECURITY BILL: A One Billion Dollar Trade-Off", 06/24/2003,

4. "Bush wants tax cuts to stay", Washington Times, 01/20/2004,

5. "FBI Budget Squeezed After 9/11", Washington Post, 03/22/2004,

Editor's Note:

**Oh but Al Qaeda isn�t our real enemy, is it? So why should we devote time, energy and funds to fighting them anyway? Forget Sept. 11 - isn�t/wasn�t Iraq the real enemy all along? Either way, people, you don�t understand � Dubya�s buddies really need those tax breaks.

Fuck all hell.

And let us not forget that this President, who loves to tout himself as the only candidate who cares about the security of the American people and loves to talk about how those of us who oppose the war are unpatriotic and do not support our troops...is making those same troops pay for their own body armor and other defensive combat gear in order that he can afford to give fucking tax breaks to his rich buddies. And then he has the audacity to actually ask for more money for this war, saying those who would deny his request are unpatriotic and do not support the troops.

Fucking asswipe.

John Kerry may not be my first choice for Bush�s replacement, but you can not tell me he would allow this sort of bugshit to go on.

And while we�re on the subject of Iraq�just why is the Bush administration so adamant that we�ll be ready to hand over Iraq to the Iraqis in June while at the same time discussing reinstating the draft? Why would we need the draft if so many of our troops will be able to come home in June?

Apparently, Dubya thinks we�re all as stupid as he is.

We�re not gonna be able to do this by June, people. Not the way it�s working now. How many of our guys were killed yesterday? The day before? The week prior? If we pull out in June, under these conditions, all hell will break out over there�and possibly here, for that matter. I don�t want our guys being blown to bits, either, but pulling out isn�t the answer�not like this, anyway. Get the U.N. in there and it may work out OK�oh, I forgot�Dubya already pissed off the U.N. so fat chance of that happening.

Not that I think he honestly he has any intention of doing so, but if Bush pulls us out of Iraq in June, we�ll be doing the exact thing to Iraq that we did in Afghanistan after we helped them beat back the Soviets...and gee, look how well that worked out for us! We pissed off Osama, a man who we trained and who worked right along side of us through that period. Pissing him off began a series of events which culminated in our losing thousands in a handful of terrorist acts and getting ourselves in to a war.

If he indeed pulls us out, it will be to court the votes of those of us who thought the Iraq invasion should never have happened in the first place and those of us who are pissed that our guys are being blown to bits on a daily basis in a war based on lies and a perverted version of Manifest Destiny.

Pardon me...I may very well have been babbling, here, and making little sense. I�m just so angry.

I need to go vomit now.


New Evidence Bush Pushed Iraq War Right After 9/11

The White House continues to deny that the president immediately began planning an invasion of Iraq in the days after 9/11, calling such charges "revisionist history" (1) and claiming Iraq was "to the side"(2) immediately after the attacks. But new revelations by a former top British official confirm that, immediately after 9/11, President Bush started planning to use the terrorist attacks as a justification for war in Iraq, despite having no proof that Iraq had any connection to Al Qaeda or 9/11. (3)

According to a report in the new edition of Vanity Fair, former British Ambassador to the United States Christopher Meyer said that President Bush made clear at a dinner (4) with Prime Minister Tony Blair nine days after the 9/11 attacks that he wanted to confront Iraq. The assertion is corroborated by the Washington Post, which reported that President Bush personally signed a two-and-a-half page directive on September 17th, 2001 ordering the Pentagon to begin drawing up Iraq invasion plans. (5) The assertion is also corroborated by CBS News, which reported on September 4, 2002 that, five hours after the 9/11 attacks, "Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was telling his aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq."(6) The account by the former British Ambassador confirms similar accounts by former Bush counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke and former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill.

The result of President Bush's preoccupation with Iraq has been dramatic: the diversion of critical resources to Iraq and away from the hunt for Osama bin Laden/Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. As reported by USA Today, "In 2002, troops from the 5th Special Forces Group who specialize in the Middle East were pulled out of the hunt for Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan to prepare for their next assignment: Iraq." (7) Similarly, Senator Bob Graham (D-FL) reported that, in February 2002, a senior military commander told him, "We are moving military and intelligence personnel and resources out of Afghanistan to get ready for a future war in Iraq." (8) That has left many dangerous terrorists still at large, and the UN now reporting that the country is "in danger of reverting to a terrorist breeding ground." (9)

Read More about Bush Administration Distortion at Misleader.org


1. White House Press Briefing, 3/23/04

2. "Neither Silent Nor a Public Witness," Washington Post, 3/26/04

3. "Doubts cast on efforts to link Saddam, al-Qaida," Knight-Ridder, 3/2/04,

4. "Report Details Bush-Blair Meeting on Iraq," Associated Press, 4/4/04,

5. "U.S. Decision On Iraq Has Puzzling Past," Washington Post, 1/12/03,

6. "Plans For Iraq Attack Began On 9/11," CBS News, 9/4/02,

7. Shifts from bin Laden hunt evoke questions," USA Today, 3/28/04,

8. �Senator Bob Graham Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations," Council on Foreign Relations, 3/26/04,

9. "UN warns on Afghanistan reverting to terrorism," Financial Times, 3/28/04,


Word of the Day for Tuesday April 6, 2004

vertiginous vur-TIJ-uh-nuhs, adjective:

1. Affected with vertigo; giddy; dizzy.

2. Causing or tending to cause dizziness.

3. Turning round; whirling; revolving.

4. Inclined to change quickly or frequently; inconstant.

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't know why you'd wanna, but on the off-chance you may feel tempted to steal any of my words and claim them as your own, please be advised: All material
Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

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