Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Monday, Dec. 20, 2004
Subway love


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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
I think the day manager at my local Subway is in love with me.

OK, maybe he is just very friendly because he sees me at least once/week. Whatever. A gal needs her ego boost any way she can get it, ya know?

I�m too busy (which I originally wrote as "busty". Um...Freudian slip much?) to write anything more than what I�ve already written to Barbara, so you�re being subjected to yet another email eavesdrop. As background, I spent the weekend with John and went to his company Christmas dinner, while my family had a get-together of their own on Saturday.

Ciao, bellas.

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 8:44 AM
To: Karen
Subject: (no subject)

Good morning. Hope you got home safely and at a decent hour. How was your weekend?

Mine was busy. Friday I shopped at Von's, Sam's club, Albertson's and got the car washed. Friday evening I made dessert for the family thing and then Saturday went to the family thing. It was fun. I missed you though. No problems except Mom bugged me a little. Go figure. I saw Sondra for a few minutes. She was there for a short while when I got there. Everyone was fine. It was good to see Abby and Chris. They are so grown up now. I'm so glad they finally figured out they could talk to us! Mark, Gail and his boys were there. What is wrong with that woman, do you know? I mean, she seems perfectly nice, but she was shaking soooooo bad. Arnett is afraid it's drugs but to me it seems she may have a social anxiety disorder or something. I mean, Mark wouldn't be stupid enough to get another one with a drug problem, would he? Don't answer that. By the way, did you know that Mark has already given up his apartment and moved in with her? I'm not sure if it was because he couldn't afford his rent or she needed help with her rent, but she has not returned to work and is not going to be returning to Costco. She says she no longer works there and is being trained for something else. ????? Maybe she'd on disability, I don't know. Anyway, they seemed fine and Mark was complaining some but it was all about Karen [Mark�s ex-wife]. He says he wished all the boys could live with them and if he could get a big enough place, he would have them all. Gail looked petrified but then she always does. I feel bad for her. Strange.

Anyway, it was good and it was fun and yesterday I tried to relax all day. I did have to do 2 loads of laundry and wrap some gifts. Still have some to wrap.

This dry weather is killing my sinuses. It's suppose to get better today, I hope so. How was the weather up there?

I have not heard from Cathy. I called her yesterday and left a message. Just told her to call me when she got a chance and that I was just checking on her.

June is ok, I spoke to her a couple of times. She just about drove me crazy last Thursday. I guess I told you about that. She did thank me, at least, last night on the phone.

Have a good one!

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 9:30 AM
To: Barbara
Subject: (no subject)

What the fuck is up with Mark?

Good morning, by the way. :)

I can't believe he moved in with her! The last time I asked him about her, he didn't even act like they were really together! I think I mentioned to you the first time I met her that yes, she worked at Costco, but she had already said she'd hurt her back at work and so was on "light duty". I was asking even then how he manages to meet every single one of the handful of women in Southern California who either do not want to work or on "disability".

The good news is, I really don't think she's on drugs. I do think she is incredibly insecure and nervous. And we're a huge bunch of people to deal with.

Karen is probably being a turd because now he's moved in with someone else.

They moved my desk after I left Friday (well, I moved most of it, they moved my computer and phone after I left). So I had a problem logging on to the system when I got in today.

The weekend was very nice. Except that I forgot the dress I was supposed to wear! I left it hanging on my bedroom door! I didn't even remember until I was 2/3 of the way there. So Saturday morning we had to go shopping. I was dreading it because - the last weekend before Christmas???!!! EEK! But the mall we went to wasn't crowded at all - it was like a normal Saturday morning. John said that stores have a hard time sticking around in that mall, because they don't do good business. Weird, because there is no other mall around for miles and miles - you have to either go to Monterey where things cost a lot more or to like San Jose, which is almost an hour away. It started to get a little more crowded by the time we were leaving, but it was nowhere near what I'm sure the malls down here looked like this weekend. Anyway, it's a damn good thing I got that bonus. I ended up spending all of it on clothes. I need clothes anyway and most of what I bought was on sale, so it's all good...I just wasn't planning on it, ya know? But I got a really cute wrap-around black dress which I wore to his dinner party, plus I got a pair of black pants, two sweaters and a skirt and top outfit. Wee! :) I found this really nice little store called New York and Company (which is where I bought the dress and the skirt/top). Very nice clothes, they fit me nicely and they weren't even expensive. The dress I bought was only $59! And it's NICE!

Saturday's dinner was very nice. I really liked all of his co-workers and his boss and boss' wife are really great people (there were ten of us, total). I really loved the boss' wife (Genie). She's a gas. We got along very well and John was all, like "Great. Now she's gonna be bugging me to marry you." And John was being so funny! It was crazy! The dinner itself was very good, too. I had a lovely Talapia and also had Chocolate Mousse for dessert, which was fabulous. It had bits of fruit and melon surrounding it, which was nice. And good Pinot Noir! :)

Sunday was also fun, but not as much so. We went to lunch at PF Changs over in Sunnyvale with his sister Charlene (who is supposed to have her baby any day now) and her husband, plus Colleen and her husband and son came over from Martinez. The lunch was nice and they were all nice and everything, but John was being that way he gets sometimes where he's just being antagonistic. He thinks it's funny and I don't. The worst part, though, was we went to Charlene's after lunch to see the babies room. Well, Charlene has two cats. I was there all of thirty seconds before the allergies started up. I didn't touch a stupid cat, I didn't even sit down. We stayed there for about an hour and then went home where I had to take drugs and a nap. But the allergies really didn't go away until I was half-way home. Ergh...I have the feeling this weather is going to bother me, as well - I have a headache this morning and an itchy nose. :( Joe called in sick Friday, just because of his allergies.

Anyway - all in all it was a great weekend. I hit a LOT of fog on my drive, both ways, so I had to drive quite a bit slower than usual. I got home at about 12:30 last night, though. Not bad. :)

Anyway...have a nice day!


-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 9:40 AM
To: Karen
Subject: (no subject)

Yea, I know. Mark has never acted like he even liked Gail very much. That's why I assume it's financial. Stupid. He's hopeless.

I'm glad you had fun at the party. Sounds nice.


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 9:49 AM
To: Barbara
Subject: (no subject)

well, you know...he's also a sucker for women who "need" him. He was totally born in the wrong decade!



P.S. My email is fucked up...still...again...whatever.

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

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