Mind Vomit by the ikss ~ a journal
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003
Mr. Rogers and asterisks


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Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005

Social Security -
Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005

save the arctic refuge -
Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2005

it's surreal -
Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2005

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�Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead�
-Lucille Ball

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


"The time is always right to do what is right"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The "seven social sins": Knowledge without character,
Science without humanity,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Politics without principles,
Pleasure without conscience,
Worship without self-sacrifice."

"We have not inherited the world from our forfathers -
We have borrowed it from our children."
--Kashmiri, proverb
I never really watched Mr. Rogers.

When I was a kid, I found his show to be boring. My television preferences leaned more toward Sesame Street, Gumby and later The Electric Company...Oh yeah, and Romper Room. Oh, how I longed for that lady to say she could see me through her magic hand mirror...wait, where was I? Oh yeah, Mr. Rogers died. We are all blessed by the existence of such seemingly-good people as Mr. Rogers and it�s always a sad thing for those of us left behind when they leave this world.

In other news...yesterday, I forgot to mention that I had an actual star-spotting while at Gladstones on Sunday. Who should be at the next table but that stunning star of stage and...well, t.v....(drum roll):


Hey, and I just noticed that today is 2-2-7. Eerie...(insert Twilight Zone theme music here).

You know, for someone who has lived in one L.A. suburb or another for pert-near 33 years, I have seen very few stars while just going about the daily business of living (aside from the afore-mentioned Larry King at brunch sighting). Plus, the ones I have seen are...well...let�s just say they�re usually a poor-man�s version of a Hollywood star, as you will soon discover. I hear people all the time saying things like, "Oh, I thought of you over the weekend because I saw Gary Sinise at this restaurant" or "Hey, I just saw Jeff Goldblum crossing Melrose" and shit like that. One friend even met both Steven Speilberg and Clint Eastwood in one day (at a wedding). It pisses me off. I know they're just people, but damn...Clint Eastwood? Where are my star sightings? Here is a litany of the off-the-cuff "star sightings" I have had. These do not include anyone I went out of my way to see/meet or any seen at a function at which you would expect to see them. This is a list of folks I have seen, as mentioned above, while just going about by bidness.

1. Spotted in the audience at the Troubadour: Robert Hays, of "Airplane" fame.

2. Spotted in the street after going to the theater* (I don�t remember what play I saw, but I believe it was Camelot with Richard Harris): Roger Moore...the other James Bond.

3. Spotted in the casino at the MGM Grand (OK, I had to go to Vegas for this one, but it�s still a legitimate sighting): Alfonso Ribiero, or Will Smith�s cousin on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. And ya know what? He looks damn good in person.

4. Woody Strode used to shop at the same market as my sister. She used to see him there all the time and she finally bought his autobiography and had him sign it while they were both in the produce section. OK, not actually MY star sighting, but I�m living vicariously through her...plus, in my book this is the best star sighting on this list.

5. In the audience at the Genghis Cohen Cantina when I was a Mocosito**: Rick James...this was after he�d been arrested, but before he went to jail. He must have been out on bail. My sister took great pains to make sure I stayed away from him.

6. I actually met the original Romper Room lady at Magic Mountain when I was a wee tyke. I have no memory of this, but we have pictures...and I still don�t think she ever said she could see me through that magic hand-mirror of hers. But I loved her anyway. She had red hair, after all.

7. James Caan and the real James Bond - Sean Connery � were three rows in front of me at a Laker game about, oh twenty-five years ago. I had just seen The Godfather for the first time and happened to have a crush on Mr. Caan, too, so this was a monumental occasion for me (yes, I was in the sixth grade. Even at that young age, my taste in men ran to the more exotic. No silly Leif Garrett or Sean Cassidy for me, boy...Actually, Mikhail Barishnikov was a HUGE crush of mine at this time of my life). I was too stupid at the time to care much about seeing Sean Connery. Of course, it would be a whole other story now.

8. Cathy Lee Crosby stepped on my toe at the same Laker game...and said nothing to me about it. How rude.


I think that�s it. This is the extent of my off-the-cuff "star sightings". Pretty pathetic, what?

OK, on to more important matters...

If my e-mail can be trusted, a certain Crush Dude has read this journal and contacted me. Now, I find it highly unlikely that my beloved Matty just happened across my journal while searching for...oh, I don�t know � let�s say new Rugby shorts. Therefore, my hunch is that someone is playing a trick on me. I should warn everybody now � don�t tempt a red-headed woman who is in her sexual prime. Could be dangerous.

If I was smart like so many of you people out there in d-land, I could probably track this e-mail down and at least see what part of the world it initiated from so I'd have a clue as to its validity. But, as we all know and as doriansglass can tell you: I�m a dork. Therefore, I haven�t responded to the e-mail yet. I just don�t quite know how to respond. I guess there�s always the chance that someone told him I wrote a lustful entry about him and he read it. If that were the case, obviously I don�t want to respond in a rude or disrespectful manner. Of course, if someone is trying to pull one over one me, they are probably reading this now and already know they have done so and therefore I don't really need to respond anyway. Let me just say to that person � don�t be so proud of yourself. I am probably the most gullible gal on the planet, so this pulling the wool over my eyes is no huge accomplishment.

I�m going to see Solarcade tonight. This is the band I first saw the last time I was out with Smithereens-Mike. Should be fun. I�m going by myself, because none of my bar-hopping-type friends*** wanted to go out tonight. They�re playing at the Liquid Lounge though and it�s only a couple of miles from my pad.

Carla�s hubby John, you may recall, is in the Army. He�s supposed to get out in August, after two "tours of duty" as it were. Well, it doesn�t look like he�s getting out as planned. He may be going either to S. Korea or to Turkey (read: Iraq).

And that�s all I have to say about that.

*I grew up going to the theater often...although, now that I think of it we usually went to musicals when I was a kid. Does musical theater count as legitimate theater? Well, it does in my book...OK, some of them do in my book.

**Mocositos was the name of a band I was in.

***I have found that my friends can all be divvied up in to "types". I have my outdoorsy-type, sporty-type friends; my musician friends; my artsie-fartsie friends; my hang-out-in-the-bar-throwing-darts-and-singing-drunken-karaoke friends; my work friends (who all seem to have a distressingly inaccurate impression of just who I am), etc. I think it says a lot about the different and varied aspects of the wonder that is ikss, but the sad thing is that few of these friends seem to be able to mix together. My parties always end up with different little cliques in each corner.

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~~~~~~~~~~~peace, love and smooches~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't know why you'd wanna, but on the off-chance you may feel tempted to steal any of my words and claim them as your own, please be advised: All material
Copyright 2002-2005
, Howl-at-the-Moon Words

***DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. If you know me in my "real life" off the net and have come across this page purely by accident, please keep in mind that you were not invited here and I would suggest you leave this page now. However, should you choose not to do so, please be warned that reading my thoughts here is not an invitation to discuss them off-line. You may discover things you do not know about me and may not like very much. Such is life. Again, this is MY space and I will use it as I see fit. If you are offended by anything here, well that's pretty much your own fault at this point. I say all of this with love, of course, but there it is.

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